Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Reaching new heights.

Thank you everyone once again for showing up and I also have to say thank you again for a slightly different reason. This would happen to be the fact that I have reached over 7000 total views in this almost 2 year spanning. That is a huge deal to me and I hope that everyone out there can celebrate with me on such a momentous occasion. I'm not quite there to my main goal of 10,000 but it won't be much longer now, will it? I don't have many bad things to say about today at all in fact I can even go as far as to say that things are only getting better at the moment.

Having just got back from my first meeting for newspaper I am absolutely stoked to see whats going to happen in the next school year. You see at this point all I to do over the summer is sell ads for the school paper which is definitely going to be hard but should be very rewarding. It will allow me to get better at social interaction again because I can still be just a little bit awkward when talking to people after spending so much time in home school. Other than that I still have at least a little bit of work to do.

For example some of the work I have to do includes making sure I can do whatever work is assigned to me. This could include gathering information, doing research, and then some. I know I am more prepared then I have ever been for taking on this work but there is still this little bit of doubt that has been bothering me. What if I'm not going to be able to live up to the standards of the rest of the newspaper staff? Probably not going to be a problem as I'm only a Freshman and English is one of my best classes so I'm probably worrying for nothing.

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