Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Tournament!

Welcome back everyone to another blog entry and we will open up with one of my current sports. Whether you consider a sport or not were talking about the world of Debate. Lately within School my debate team has been working hard to help set up one of the best tournaments within the Missouri area and in order to do this I had to go and collect judges, contribute to setup, and finally help out for the rest of the weekend in some way. These ways of helping could include helping monitor pods, Keep track of ballots, or help time rounds. I ended up not getting a job like hall monitor so I ended up timing different events such as Lincoln Douglas debate which is mostly philosophical debates, and Foreign Extemporaneous which is doing a persuasive speech with only 30 minutes of prep time prior to the speech. While these are fun to sit through eventually these things begin to wear on you after looking at the same walls for about 8 hours for two days in a row and listen as the arguments seem to blend together you just want to go home and relax.

I manged to get one of the new people to my household to help judge in a few different rounds. His name is Manny. Lately he has just moved in to live with the family for a while. Now personally I don't know him as well as I could since he is a fairly quiet person. Despite sharing a room with him at the moment he is quiet and usually keeps to himself. I won't go too much into detail about him because I have just met him and what I do know is for him to share if he ever wishes. I haven't really gotten much of his personality yet since I don't see him often enough and for this reason I won't start laying judgment or compliments on his character yet and he has turned out to be really nice so far.

Before I wrap this up I have to address Thanksgiving at least a little bit so why not my favorite foods. After all this is usually what people associate with Thanksgiving. Personally I love turkey as much as the next person but the sides are where all of the deliciousness lies. Lets start with the most basic food of all. The bread. Whether this be a fluffy roll or maybe just some slices of white bread the rest of the meal is not complete without this simple addition to the table. For me personally there needs to be some sort of potato such as mashed potatoes or maybe some potatoes Au gratin. There really isn't a limit here on the potato dishes. Finally there is that oh so beloved cranberry sauce that looks like dog food when it comes out of that can. There is something strangely alluring to me about this odd looking substance. It is sweet and has a strange gelatinous texture that you really can't get anywhere else except for with jello. If anything, this is probably my guilty pleasure as far as anything canned or packaged. All of these answers can vary by person so you don't have to agree with me on these foods, but for me dinner just isn't complete without these staples.

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