Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Autumn's Fall

Welcome back everyone to another blog entry. Lately things have been changing rapidly. For example there is the recent change in temperature. Within the last few days the temperature here in Missouri has dropped drastically, and I absolutely love it. The signs of the first winter are here, and it has almost completely bypassed Fall. This constant cycle of the seasons has made way for my absolute favorite season known as Winter. There is nothing like the bitter chill outside to bring everyone inside huddling under their blankets and relax as the twinkling crystals of ice glisten in the sky as the crystals softly provide for the earth, its' own blanket made of a bright white.

Another one of the changes comes from school revolving around Debate. A personal favorite class of mine due to how simple and difficult this class can be all at once. We now have a new resolution for debate, and this one is going to be pretty fun for me. The new resolution is "Resolved: To be 'forgotten from the Internet' ought to be a civil right." The really cool thing about this resolution is that the entire case is focused around Google. One of my personal favorite companies on the internet at the moment. I'm so excited about this project that I have a massive document of accumulated facts just waiting to be cobbled together into a working case.

Within all of the changes occurring at the moment it is hard to remember the amazing holiday that lies in wait around the corner. Thanksgiving, My absolute favorite holiday. As I have mentioned last year as well, many of the other holidays don't mean half as much as they should to me. Halloween feels tacked on, and simply there for just candy, Christmas feels more like just the act of giving and receiving gifts over the old values that it's supposed to have, and New Years just doesn't have the right levity for me. Thanksgiving can be seen as just another holiday to start stuffing yourself silly on turkey or whatever meal tickles your fancy, but it is one of the few holidays throughout the years that can guarantee me time to sit down with my family. To reminisce on the years before. The people that sit around you will stay within your memories for years to come as you give a proper thanks to times you've had, have, and will have.

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