Monday, November 18, 2013

Pigs in pain and people in need.

This weekend was pretty darn busy and while it may not be the busiest one yet it certainly had a lot of good content. My brother Nate was in town this weekend who got to help out with the family project which took up some time this Saturday. The family project was to go over to one of the parent's friend's houses and start doing the final touch ups around the house. This sadly could not happen very easily because much of the house was still not picked up so we did what we could and headed out. Because of this family day though we spent some much needed time after the project together starting with lunch. I have eaten barbecue before but very few places bring back memories like Rosedale's intoxicating meats. I have eaten here once before and funny enough that was around the beginning of last years school year after going out with Kristi to watch Queen of Versailles which is still a movie I recommend watching if you have the time.

After lunch though we went shopping over at Costco and then dropped everything off at home. What happened next is whats awesome and that happens to be that we all went out to see the new movie Enders game which I know I had been wanting see desperately. I always enjoyed the book as I had read it on the side of my work earlier this year. When the movie was announced I was ecstatic and looking forward to going to see it. I enjoyed the movie which is a good way to get started on reading the books but like many book to movie conversions the book was much better due to the amount of detail that was left out. This does not mean that the movie was not worth watching and in fact I enjoyed many parts of the movie. I just recommend going and reading the book afterward.

While that was just Saturday lets continue on to Sunday. I usually don't do anything on Sundays but this weekend was an exception. This weekend we have scheduled me another field trip and this time I went to a local butchery known as the Local Pig for a lesson on sausage making. They also do a class on pig butchering but I am too young still in order to participate in that class. Still, the sausage class was an experience on its own. While I was apart of the group that made the breakfast sausage there were three other groups. One group made a beer bratwurst, another made a garlic and rosemary sausage, and the final one made a kinda spicy Chorizo sausage. They make some much more interesting stuff as well including a spicy Thai peanut sausage which I absolutely love. The most amazing thing about Local pig though is that it is all local just like in the name. They even post up where they get their meat from on the walls and then who supplies it and where they are located at. In other words this place is amazing and Local pig is dedicated to bringing its clients fresh meat right from around your area.

I still have a little bit more to talk about today so this calls for an extra paragraph. I have been working very hard lately on getting my work done and catching up to speed on my work. This week though is going to be somewhat interesting. For example this week I will be riding with Kristi this Thursday with Made to Serve. If you don't remember who Made To Serve is then they are people who work here in Missouri who are dedicated to feeding the homeless around Kansas City. Along with this busy Thursday I will checking out Kristi's favorite restaurant at the moment which I will be going into further detail when Thursday rolls around.

 have also been working with Leif recently on my math more then anything which is good because this means that I am catching up where I need to while also keeping my project moving to still be on time. Leif is primarily focusing on Algebra due to the fact that I will have to take this class as one my very first classes for the year or else I cannot continue on my math classes very easily. Starting things off we have been going over basic algebra where you use letter in substitution of numbers and afterwards we started going over graphs, slopes, y intercepts and more. This is helping out so much that things are going rather smoothly and I hope that things don't get too out of hand this week.

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