Friday, November 22, 2013

Hammering at the space

While I may not have everything I need to finish my Nerf gun project at this point I have a good chunk of my supplies and hopefully these will do for now. I'm not going to be able to finish it and this will most likely not be the final product what I do start on. Either way I will start on my project but when my next blog entry comes around do not expect it to be finished because a lot of the work is waiting for the primer and glue to dry before continuing with the project.

Another early morning but this morning was rather sad for me because Winter has shown its face finally but right when the leaves fell and looked amazing from Autumn. In other words Winter cut our Autumn abruptly and it just isn't as pretty as it could be. I may like Winter but the seasons lately have been running into each other head long and destroying the smaller seasons before they even start. For example this year  I can honestly say that we didn't have Spring but we did have a very long Summer. We'll see what happens but what the first signs were the ice covering the ground and everything pretty much died over night. Certainly sounds like Winter to me but there isn't any snow or anything but there might be some soon.

I feel awesome for finally getting stuff together and accomplishing something but the question remains for me ifr after my Nerf project is finished would I be able to do it again. I am seriously enjoying getting the project done and the final result will definitely be worth it but I have been known to stop doing something even when it is good and hit helps me out or is just plain enjoyable. This is simply a concern that I have and not a guarantee that this will happen but a problem that I'm hoping to avoid at my own discretion.

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