A really good example on what I do with my family is something like last Sunday. What happened is that Kristi's church had bought this really large and nice church but it wasn't really what they needed at the time and it put them into debt while also being too big for them. What happened is that the pastor had found someone to buy the church from them and then pay off the rest of the debt which is fantastic for them so they went out and found a smaller area that is a small strip mall. If you remember my day I was doing demolition on March 6th which was me helping out with the renovation of the place. Well we all celebrated the progress of what we had accomplished with some fantatic food which I sadly have not taken a picture of. Either way things were great and happy and I was really surprised to see the progress of what the church had accomplished so far. I have a reason of liking this church more then the others and why I would go to this church willingly with no fuss. The reason why is because this is one of the few churches that doesn't care about just itself but instead uses most of its' money to help those who need it more then those from the church.

I had a little bit of a crisis this week which had been driving me crazy. It had felt as if I was still in school and that summer just wasn't the same as it used to be. What happened is that Kristi had decided to help by bringing me and my friends over to super splash USA which was extremely fun and we all had a good time. Afterwards we came home and settled down for some gaming and then went our separate ways. Later that night I had decided to ask for some dessert and while I had ice cream earlier dad had made some fantastic parfaits. I loved these because they had chocolate pudding, bananas, vanilla wafers, whip cream, and then shaved dark chocolate over the top complete dad's masterpiece. It was a fantastic way to end the day and a great reminder that it is summer whether I feel like it is or not.

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