Friday, May 3, 2013

Quick and easy

Today's work was fairly easy and I glad because it helped with what came before the work. Before I tell you  what happened earlier today I am going to go through what I actually did today. First off was my reading which was simply Les miserable. After  that was working out another code for codecademy Which I managed to figure out after I found out that I needed type something in after submitting my code. I went out to eat some lunch out at Zara Sushi which consisted of a garden salad with a shrimp tempura roll as well as a spicy crunchy crab roll. I then come home and do my French work which as usual only takes about 30 minutes to complete. After all that I sit down and start typing my blog for the day and then here we are. It was a fairly simple day but time to go into more detail about some other things.

I am really iffy on how things are turning out at the moment in my life. There are some chances of the friends that I have made in the neighborhood are going to be moving away and this is just devastating to me. For example I have known the first friend Kale for 2 years and he's going to move out for sure but I still have some time. On the other hand is my friend Alex who has been with me through thick and thin throughout this entire neighborhood. He went through all of the pain and drama that came with being in some of the situations that I landed myself in. They are one the reasons why I am home schooled. I wouldn't be able to stand being alone in the neighborhood at all and the fact that I might lose contact with him would be devastating for me as well as the family who have come to accept him as a sibling. I hope he doesn't move because it would be just devastating. The reason that this effects my current life more then ever is because I have been given the chance to attend the college classes and at this point I don't know how any of that will turn out and even if it is right for me.

I have been doing pretty good with my classes including Tae Kwon Do. Things over there have been getting really difficult for me with all of the extra emphasis on expectations to meet. Due to the fact that the school year is coming to an end here soon less people are coming in and harder curriculum is being used. It is certainly not easy for me with all of the harder work. An example is that just last night we were doing the splits in class or at least going as low as you can but when the teacher came around she started making me go lower until I was almost in tears from the pain. I can honestly say that I am more flexible then ever but It was almost unbearable going through all of that. What doesn't help is that I am higher rank now and because of that there is higher expectations.

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