Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Family night

Hello everyone welcome back and for the beginning I will be talking about the new part of the for the family which is family night. Our family is for the most part pretty tight knit. We keep everything organized including events and most of the family time occurs during dinner where everyone sits down and eats together. I feel quite happy to say that I still can sit down and eat dinner with my family because I do know that there are families that don't even think about it. Due to the fact that everyone is going to be home for the Wednesdays for a while we are going to start having a family night where we all sit down and eat dinner over a movie. This may not be very different then eating dinner as a family but after most dinners all of us retreat down to our usual spots which mine just happens to be my computer. Tonight and hopefully other Wednesdays to follow we will spending time together during and after dinner which may not sound very exciting to most people but it sounds fantastic to me.

Today's work was for the most part pretty simple and may not be done yet but it won't take very much time after this. I will just be going over the work that I have worked on. This includes my dreaded math work. I am still doing pretty good without having to stop and go through the lessons but there will be a time when I have to slow down. To give you an example I am still on lesson 10 and the hardest part about my work at the moment is still doing long division because it takes a lot of space on one page. For the most part math is easy but it takes a while to actually complete.

Today I didn't officially have any domestic science work but in my opinion it was a darn good day of domestic science. Today I had tasted my first empanada and despite how basic it was, it was certainly tasty.
The dough was pie crust and the filling was ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning and some shredded cheese. All of it was deep fried till brown and crispy. Despite the simplicity it was quite tasty and here is good view.

 I certainly enjoyed them and I believe the Kristi certainly did as well. The most I had a problem with is the fact that they were greasy from the deep frying and they needed some sauce to sweeten them so other then that these were pretty tasty.

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