Welcome back to my first Summer entry of the year. I hope to maintain my normal goals of when I was still in the average school year of about 3 paragraphs per entry. That isn't that bad but that isn't going to stop me from going over the average amount of paragraphs if something comes up. Today there isn't too much to talk about at the current time of me writing this but I may think of something while I'm typing.
As most of you know I live In Missouri and because of this it has taken me a while before I was able to go swimming due to all of the rain that has been hanging out around the area. I say this because there is a community pool in the area that we live in so I would usually be able to go swimming as soon as Memorial day hit. Then we finally got somewhat of a break on Wednesday so that we could go swimming and the relief was immediate no matter how cold the water was. It felt fantastic being able to go swimming again and I wasn't the only one that felt that way most likely. There are so many who love to go swimming that there are people that showed up late to Tae Kwon Do yesterday because of Swim team. I love this time of the year for 2 things and that is swimming and more grilling.
While I'm on the subject of the things that I love about the season. I may have not done any grilling this year yet but I know I will at least once this year before Summer is up. Grilling is one of those things that can bring anyone together. People get together and will assign time out of a busy day to sit down and enjoy a good burger along with their family. A burger is just the stereotyped meal of the grill but there is so much more including with my mom we make some fantastic satee which is an Asian style marinade for meat ( my family prefers Chicken ) and for us is served with Peanut sauce over some white rice. That is just one of the many examples out there but who am I telling people with more experience around the grill what they can or can't grill. Food is one of the most versatile studies of the world so nothing is set in stone.
These are my days in the home schooling world. It is bound to be a new and exciting experience that i hope all of you can enjoy
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 23, 2013
The Final Day
To start us off I owe some special thanks to everyone that has helped me throughout the entire year. The obvious ones are my Family including mom and dad for being with me throughout the entire year. Then there is a couple of special tributes in the blog. These include people like my brother Nate which he helped by being there for me to compete with throughout the year. I have always worked to be better then him and for the most part he is an academic rival. Next up is Joe Brouhard. Him and dad have been giving me the needed shove throughout my time so far in Tae Kwon Do which is a very special part of my life because being there has helped me learn a few things and keep me from feeling too lonely during the school year. There is also my friends Alex and Kale who have been with me for a couple of years and have been supporting me through the year as well as just being awesome friends. Finally there is everyone else that has followed me throughout the year. I could never forget my small group of followers. I may only get 25 views a day but that is just 25 people who care what I have to say from day to day and that means a lot to me.
I will be going over my reading work first which has always been what I wake up to do in the morning. I have read a total of 25 books which equaled 8076 pages total being read. All of the books that I have read are listed below and it leaves me astounded. I never thought that I had read this much in total throughout the entire year. It all started with The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole and just kept going further and further until I had finally gotten to books like Les Miserable and Fountainhead.
1) The Overachievers: The Secret Life Of Driven Kids - 405 pages
Alexandra Robbins
2) Catcher In The Rye - 214 pages
JD Salinger
3) The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole - 185 pages
Sue Townsend
4) Anthem - 105
Ayn Rand
5) The Fountainhead - 720 pages
Ayn Rand
6) Atlas Shrugged - 1236 Pages
Ayn Rand
7) Freakanomics - 268 pages
Levitt and Dubner
8) Superfreakanomics - 239 pages
Levitt and Dubner
9) Economics For Dummies - 312 pages
Seann Flynn, PhD
10) The Good Earth - 284 pages
Pearl S. Buck
11) Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother - 215 pages
Amy Chua
12) Silver Like Dust - 197 pages
Kimi Grant
13) Nothing To Envy - 302 pages
Barbara Demick
14) I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced - 111 pages
Nujood Ali
15) Nurture Shock - 264 pages
Bronson and Merryman
16) The Trouble With Boys - 300 pages
Peg Tyre
17) An Invisible Thread - 208 pages
Laura Schoff
18) To Kill A Mockingbird - 323 pages
Harper Lee
19) The Power Of Half - 178 pages
Ken and Hannah Salwen
20) Anne Frank Diary - 238 pages
Anne Frank
21) Les Miserables - 896 pages
Victor Hugo
22) Hunger Games - 384 pages
Suzanne Collins
23) Asperger Love - 52 pages
Amy Harmon
24) Lord Of The Flies - 155 pages
William Golding
25) Mr. President! Mr, President! - 285 pages
Sarah McClendon
That is just the curriculum I woke up every morning to do early but there is still more including my English work. I remember the beginning of the year where I was crying my head off over the written response questions and complaining to my parents to let me get away with not doing them. I ended up doing them anyway and not just with English but also with Reading and Social Studies questions. It has been a while since I last did any of those so I wonder how good I am now. The last time I did a written response was during the last time I worked in my Social Studies textbook. There honestly wasn't anything wrong with the questions and it made me much better with all of the other question types like multiple choice or fill in the blank.
I have been working on Pimsleur throughout the entire year and it deserves some word in my blog as well. The ups and downs that I have had due to my French work were practically the comedy relief on the blog. The times where it has stopped me in my tracks throughout the year has been another obstacle in the form of a ladder. I can climb as high as I'm willing to go but it is also a shaky ladder which will rattle when you reach a certain step stopping you in your tracks. No matter what happened I would keep going through along with some encouragement. I still am not the best at French yet but from some info that I have heard it can take a couple of people maybe 8 years to learn their first second language.
There are a few things that I didn't like throughout the entire year but most of them were resolved. One thing I don't like to this day is Math but that is pretty much non negotiable. I am so far behind on Math due to the long time it took to find some new curriculum that removing that at all would be horrible. I never was a huge fan of my writing work but then again I feel pretty darn satisfied at the end of the paper when it looks pretty and rolls along nicely. I wouldn't mind a more consistent day in school either. What I mean is that one week I might be working on essay questions and then the next few weeks there are none. Another thing is probably going to be fixed next year when I go on to work on the college classes and that is me wanting some more people to see during my day because as I have mentioned it gets very lonely for me but the main reason is because I don't like social networks and I can't seem to hold on to any phone numbers if my life depended on it. Even worse is when people have an email that they never look at so when I try to send an email I can't get into contact with them. Since that's about all I can think that went bad this year that hasn't been fixed lets move on to the good side of things.
I love having different books to read because I have always enjoyed reading when it comes down to school. I enjoy reading so much that I have gotten in trouble in public school because I read to much. The worst part is that the teachers couldn't do anything about it because not only was I following along but I was also doing my work to boot. I bothered them to no end so eventually they took away my rites to read in school if it wasn't a curriculum book I couldn't read it. Another awesome part of home school is a lack of tests. I originally had to get all of my grades based on my tests and it messed with me to no end because I always had something against doing homework so when I was in 7th grade last year I found out that I couldn't get away with just aceing the tests and that I actually needed to do the homework so I started spiraling downward. Now I don't do tests often so my grades rely entirely on how I do on all of my other work to get a good wrap in school. Pass or fail grade system is fantastic. I don't have to worry about the fact that I might be at a D+ in school because I didn't do to hot on my test. or maybe I missed a major writing project that shot my grade through the ground. With Pass or fail I don't have to worry about that because of the lack of pressure of a scale. Lastly there is the flexibility which is just a god send for me. I have always struggled with making up my mind when it comes down to anything. A good example is Last years English class where I had to write an essay on what I wanted fixed in the school. Even worse is that this was submitted to the principal of the school for her to go over and help with next years class. It took me 2 weeks and help from multiple people before I could think of a subject for me to write about because I had wanted an actual problem that could be fixed by the teachers. Asking for more bully prevention would have been a waste of time because they claim that they are already doing their part and helping where they can and then ask for another lecture on bullying because there is still a large amount in the school. There is a ton more that I could have gone over but I couldn't think about it at the time.
I do believe that I owe an explanation for my extremely long weeks of being moody and obnoxious. To give you an idea it only happens after I get in trouble. For example April 12- April 8 was extremely depressing and that is because I had gotten myself in trouble I couldn't forgive myself. To wrap it up nicely I am my own worst enemy when it comes down to things like that. The reason why is because I beat myself up over getting in trouble while my parents are over it after a good night sleep. I can reason with myself as much as I want but until I can finally get over my own stupidity over time I will stay depressed for a while. Just thinking about it makes me feel a little sad but still this is a happy day that will keep me from being sad at all just at the thought of getting through my first year of home schooling.
Before wrapping things up I need to give a paragraph to my field trips. They were always what I could always look forward to including Madame Butterfly, The Marine Biology lecture, and the NASA lecture from very recent. I can't forget how amazing they were. Madame Butterfly was a touching story and the lectures taught me what they had intended to without droning on and having something that I found to latch onto in each one. For Madame Butterfly I fell in love with the dramatic and touching love story of the opera. At the Marine Biology while the whole thing was about the state of the marine biomes I fell in love with the really sad looking Manatees who looked like they needed a hug. At the NASA lecture I laughed along side the narrator as he poured his heart out about his work and the process of what he needed to do get the lunar rovers landing. Each one had there own story to tell and I loved each one.
This has been a fantastic year and I still plan on writing blog entries once a week to keep up the blog and make sure that people don't forget about little old me over here because while I can have a fascinating entry every once in a while there is still plenty more places you could go and read something like this so it is a competition for the most part now. I love how great things have turned out because I think I have mentioned it before but I never expected my blog to take off like this. I started out horribly with bad grammar and only word of mouth or family to spread word of my blog Now things are doing pretty good. I think of how long it will be before I go back to things like Pimsleur or my books and the memories that I have had with them and it seems like leaving an old friend. I feel like I can't leave if I wanted to at this point. My books line my little shelf downstairs, my disks sit quietly hoping to be used again, the cars wait to drive to the next grand lecture, and curtain sets on the end of my first year of tranquility.
I will be going over my reading work first which has always been what I wake up to do in the morning. I have read a total of 25 books which equaled 8076 pages total being read. All of the books that I have read are listed below and it leaves me astounded. I never thought that I had read this much in total throughout the entire year. It all started with The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole and just kept going further and further until I had finally gotten to books like Les Miserable and Fountainhead.
1) The Overachievers: The Secret Life Of Driven Kids - 405 pages
Alexandra Robbins
2) Catcher In The Rye - 214 pages
JD Salinger
3) The Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole - 185 pages
Sue Townsend
4) Anthem - 105
Ayn Rand
5) The Fountainhead - 720 pages
Ayn Rand
6) Atlas Shrugged - 1236 Pages
Ayn Rand
7) Freakanomics - 268 pages
Levitt and Dubner
8) Superfreakanomics - 239 pages
Levitt and Dubner
9) Economics For Dummies - 312 pages
Seann Flynn, PhD
10) The Good Earth - 284 pages
Pearl S. Buck
11) Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother - 215 pages
Amy Chua
12) Silver Like Dust - 197 pages
Kimi Grant
13) Nothing To Envy - 302 pages
Barbara Demick
14) I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced - 111 pages
Nujood Ali
15) Nurture Shock - 264 pages
Bronson and Merryman
16) The Trouble With Boys - 300 pages
Peg Tyre
17) An Invisible Thread - 208 pages
Laura Schoff
18) To Kill A Mockingbird - 323 pages
Harper Lee
19) The Power Of Half - 178 pages
Ken and Hannah Salwen
20) Anne Frank Diary - 238 pages
Anne Frank
21) Les Miserables - 896 pages
Victor Hugo
22) Hunger Games - 384 pages
Suzanne Collins
23) Asperger Love - 52 pages
Amy Harmon
24) Lord Of The Flies - 155 pages
William Golding
25) Mr. President! Mr, President! - 285 pages
Sarah McClendon
That is just the curriculum I woke up every morning to do early but there is still more including my English work. I remember the beginning of the year where I was crying my head off over the written response questions and complaining to my parents to let me get away with not doing them. I ended up doing them anyway and not just with English but also with Reading and Social Studies questions. It has been a while since I last did any of those so I wonder how good I am now. The last time I did a written response was during the last time I worked in my Social Studies textbook. There honestly wasn't anything wrong with the questions and it made me much better with all of the other question types like multiple choice or fill in the blank.
I have been working on Pimsleur throughout the entire year and it deserves some word in my blog as well. The ups and downs that I have had due to my French work were practically the comedy relief on the blog. The times where it has stopped me in my tracks throughout the year has been another obstacle in the form of a ladder. I can climb as high as I'm willing to go but it is also a shaky ladder which will rattle when you reach a certain step stopping you in your tracks. No matter what happened I would keep going through along with some encouragement. I still am not the best at French yet but from some info that I have heard it can take a couple of people maybe 8 years to learn their first second language.
There are a few things that I didn't like throughout the entire year but most of them were resolved. One thing I don't like to this day is Math but that is pretty much non negotiable. I am so far behind on Math due to the long time it took to find some new curriculum that removing that at all would be horrible. I never was a huge fan of my writing work but then again I feel pretty darn satisfied at the end of the paper when it looks pretty and rolls along nicely. I wouldn't mind a more consistent day in school either. What I mean is that one week I might be working on essay questions and then the next few weeks there are none. Another thing is probably going to be fixed next year when I go on to work on the college classes and that is me wanting some more people to see during my day because as I have mentioned it gets very lonely for me but the main reason is because I don't like social networks and I can't seem to hold on to any phone numbers if my life depended on it. Even worse is when people have an email that they never look at so when I try to send an email I can't get into contact with them. Since that's about all I can think that went bad this year that hasn't been fixed lets move on to the good side of things.
I love having different books to read because I have always enjoyed reading when it comes down to school. I enjoy reading so much that I have gotten in trouble in public school because I read to much. The worst part is that the teachers couldn't do anything about it because not only was I following along but I was also doing my work to boot. I bothered them to no end so eventually they took away my rites to read in school if it wasn't a curriculum book I couldn't read it. Another awesome part of home school is a lack of tests. I originally had to get all of my grades based on my tests and it messed with me to no end because I always had something against doing homework so when I was in 7th grade last year I found out that I couldn't get away with just aceing the tests and that I actually needed to do the homework so I started spiraling downward. Now I don't do tests often so my grades rely entirely on how I do on all of my other work to get a good wrap in school. Pass or fail grade system is fantastic. I don't have to worry about the fact that I might be at a D+ in school because I didn't do to hot on my test. or maybe I missed a major writing project that shot my grade through the ground. With Pass or fail I don't have to worry about that because of the lack of pressure of a scale. Lastly there is the flexibility which is just a god send for me. I have always struggled with making up my mind when it comes down to anything. A good example is Last years English class where I had to write an essay on what I wanted fixed in the school. Even worse is that this was submitted to the principal of the school for her to go over and help with next years class. It took me 2 weeks and help from multiple people before I could think of a subject for me to write about because I had wanted an actual problem that could be fixed by the teachers. Asking for more bully prevention would have been a waste of time because they claim that they are already doing their part and helping where they can and then ask for another lecture on bullying because there is still a large amount in the school. There is a ton more that I could have gone over but I couldn't think about it at the time.
I do believe that I owe an explanation for my extremely long weeks of being moody and obnoxious. To give you an idea it only happens after I get in trouble. For example April 12- April 8 was extremely depressing and that is because I had gotten myself in trouble I couldn't forgive myself. To wrap it up nicely I am my own worst enemy when it comes down to things like that. The reason why is because I beat myself up over getting in trouble while my parents are over it after a good night sleep. I can reason with myself as much as I want but until I can finally get over my own stupidity over time I will stay depressed for a while. Just thinking about it makes me feel a little sad but still this is a happy day that will keep me from being sad at all just at the thought of getting through my first year of home schooling.
Before wrapping things up I need to give a paragraph to my field trips. They were always what I could always look forward to including Madame Butterfly, The Marine Biology lecture, and the NASA lecture from very recent. I can't forget how amazing they were. Madame Butterfly was a touching story and the lectures taught me what they had intended to without droning on and having something that I found to latch onto in each one. For Madame Butterfly I fell in love with the dramatic and touching love story of the opera. At the Marine Biology while the whole thing was about the state of the marine biomes I fell in love with the really sad looking Manatees who looked like they needed a hug. At the NASA lecture I laughed along side the narrator as he poured his heart out about his work and the process of what he needed to do get the lunar rovers landing. Each one had there own story to tell and I loved each one.
This has been a fantastic year and I still plan on writing blog entries once a week to keep up the blog and make sure that people don't forget about little old me over here because while I can have a fascinating entry every once in a while there is still plenty more places you could go and read something like this so it is a competition for the most part now. I love how great things have turned out because I think I have mentioned it before but I never expected my blog to take off like this. I started out horribly with bad grammar and only word of mouth or family to spread word of my blog Now things are doing pretty good. I think of how long it will be before I go back to things like Pimsleur or my books and the memories that I have had with them and it seems like leaving an old friend. I feel like I can't leave if I wanted to at this point. My books line my little shelf downstairs, my disks sit quietly hoping to be used again, the cars wait to drive to the next grand lecture, and curtain sets on the end of my first year of tranquility.
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Sped up
Welcome back everyone because I have some really good news. Tomorrow is going to be my last day for the year due to the fact that I will be finishing tomorrow if nothing goes wrong. I am really excited for tomorrow because I will be reviewing the entire year and to help Kristi is going and finding out every book I have read throughout the entire year and that is just the beginning of the things that I have done througout the entire year.
I may not be able to wait for tomorrow to go over the year with everyone but there is something that I can wait for. Summer can end up fairly uneventful especially if you have nothing planned which is exactly how I have set up my Summer so far. I don't have many people to see during the Summer other then family either because of home school I don't have as many friends to keep in contact with as I used to. This leaves me feeling really lonely as well as selfish to the friends in the neighborhood because while they have other friends that they have to keep obligations to I want to spend time with them as well which feels horrible because it ends up just bothering them in the long run.
One more day in school after today and I don't know how well things will work out afterward either. I know that I will continue with Tae Kwon Do and that I'll probably go and visit my family over the Summer but after that it is all just a big mystery to me. I will continue to work on something as a project over the Summer but I still have to find something to work on which could be anything from my Minecraft server to maybe some modding. There are other things for me to do but I'll work on it when I get there.
I may not be able to wait for tomorrow to go over the year with everyone but there is something that I can wait for. Summer can end up fairly uneventful especially if you have nothing planned which is exactly how I have set up my Summer so far. I don't have many people to see during the Summer other then family either because of home school I don't have as many friends to keep in contact with as I used to. This leaves me feeling really lonely as well as selfish to the friends in the neighborhood because while they have other friends that they have to keep obligations to I want to spend time with them as well which feels horrible because it ends up just bothering them in the long run.
One more day in school after today and I don't know how well things will work out afterward either. I know that I will continue with Tae Kwon Do and that I'll probably go and visit my family over the Summer but after that it is all just a big mystery to me. I will continue to work on something as a project over the Summer but I still have to find something to work on which could be anything from my Minecraft server to maybe some modding. There are other things for me to do but I'll work on it when I get there.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Welcome back everyone and today I am going to be celebrating the fact that my brother has graduated from high school and is going to be heading off to college here soon. This is a huge event for more then just Nate but also for the entire family because of how much we have all struggled to get him to where he is now. I am glad to say that I was there and I saw him graduate and I am extremely happy at the thought of seeing on the stage accepting his diploma and then I think about how he and everyone else must feel. it is an intense feeling of joy because of how we all have wanted this for so long.
Another complication has come up right before the end of the year and this one is once again a problem with Pimsleur which is extremely annoying considering that it is my last subject of the year. I am completely annoyed but I am going to be seeing if I can find a way to get in my lesson today. I am having a problem with the activation of my account and it is saying that my version of Pimsleur is not activated. I can't reativate my account because it is linked to my dad's email and it will only send the code to him and in order for me to send it I still need know his security question and answer which is not going to happen anytime soon. I know it isn't from something that I installed because I restored my computer to a previous point on when Pimsleur worked which makes this all that more confusing.
I said that French is my final subject and that is because my final day is this Friday. I still want to save the reminiscing of the entire year till my last day of school but there is still in the now. I only have one more thing for the year which shouldn't be to hard because of the fact that it is just listen for about 30 minutes per lesson. and I am allowed to do 2 a day which will have me finished by Friday which is my deadline. I don't know how willing I am for Summer because I enjoy the way things are now but either way I am going to finish the year and get some relaxation in this summer before the next year.
Another complication has come up right before the end of the year and this one is once again a problem with Pimsleur which is extremely annoying considering that it is my last subject of the year. I am completely annoyed but I am going to be seeing if I can find a way to get in my lesson today. I am having a problem with the activation of my account and it is saying that my version of Pimsleur is not activated. I can't reativate my account because it is linked to my dad's email and it will only send the code to him and in order for me to send it I still need know his security question and answer which is not going to happen anytime soon. I know it isn't from something that I installed because I restored my computer to a previous point on when Pimsleur worked which makes this all that more confusing.
I said that French is my final subject and that is because my final day is this Friday. I still want to save the reminiscing of the entire year till my last day of school but there is still in the now. I only have one more thing for the year which shouldn't be to hard because of the fact that it is just listen for about 30 minutes per lesson. and I am allowed to do 2 a day which will have me finished by Friday which is my deadline. I don't know how willing I am for Summer because I enjoy the way things are now but either way I am going to finish the year and get some relaxation in this summer before the next year.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Tae Kwon Do: Boot Camp
What a day this Saturday was. I'll be getting into what I did while I was there but to start us all off I will be going over what I had to go through before I actually went through the course. I started everything by trying to get some more exercise then usual by riding around the neighborhood on my Bicycle. Secondly I had to drink a ton of water to make sure that I was hydrated before I started doing anything. Finally I had to have the right gear to wear at the class because a button up plaid shirt and jeans are no where near what I needed for my class. Instead I had a workout t-shirt as well as some gym shorts. I know this doesn't sound like much work in the beginning but that is only because I was getting ready for class but not trying to do my own workout regiment and doing too much could have made boot camp that much harder.
Now onto what I went through on Saturday and this is pretty interesting because we started everything with a 3.2 mile run around the building. In between we rested by doing some push ups and then before we headed inside the teachers decided to have us all do some sprints. It was certainly very hard for me as I am not the most fit person. What makes it all the more difficult is that we went inside to work on warrior X fit which is 6 exercises 6 times with 10 second break in between each exercise which each takes 30 seconds. I know it is a bit confusing but it is awesome that I made it through as one out of the 5 people that didn't complain through out the entire class. While those were the hard part this is about where I start excelling. I was always best with forms on things so when we started on self defense in the form of Krav Maga. After this we took a break for lunch which was pretty simple for me which consisted of fruit, vegetables, and a sandwich. As soon as that was done we moved on to sparring and then wrapped everything up with Staves and a belt ceremony to receive my new belt camo belt.
I might have missed something and I made it sound easier then it really was but then there was after everythign is all said and done. I am still in pain today from that workout and I have been stretching to help get back into shape before my next class because there is going to be no pity for me or my sister when we return to class because we went on our own accord. I have no problem with this myself because I have been through worse when it comes down to going to class. The problem I do have is that I can make it so that it is easier by actually stretching at home which is just a change in my schedule and something that can be forgotten fairly easily in my average day. I hope you all enjoyed and there will be much more to talk about this week because if I am told correctly this is my final week.
Now onto what I went through on Saturday and this is pretty interesting because we started everything with a 3.2 mile run around the building. In between we rested by doing some push ups and then before we headed inside the teachers decided to have us all do some sprints. It was certainly very hard for me as I am not the most fit person. What makes it all the more difficult is that we went inside to work on warrior X fit which is 6 exercises 6 times with 10 second break in between each exercise which each takes 30 seconds. I know it is a bit confusing but it is awesome that I made it through as one out of the 5 people that didn't complain through out the entire class. While those were the hard part this is about where I start excelling. I was always best with forms on things so when we started on self defense in the form of Krav Maga. After this we took a break for lunch which was pretty simple for me which consisted of fruit, vegetables, and a sandwich. As soon as that was done we moved on to sparring and then wrapped everything up with Staves and a belt ceremony to receive my new belt camo belt.
I might have missed something and I made it sound easier then it really was but then there was after everythign is all said and done. I am still in pain today from that workout and I have been stretching to help get back into shape before my next class because there is going to be no pity for me or my sister when we return to class because we went on our own accord. I have no problem with this myself because I have been through worse when it comes down to going to class. The problem I do have is that I can make it so that it is easier by actually stretching at home which is just a change in my schedule and something that can be forgotten fairly easily in my average day. I hope you all enjoyed and there will be much more to talk about this week because if I am told correctly this is my final week.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Wrapping up
Today is going to have its own super early post due to the fact that I have less and less work to do every day. In fact now I only have 2 more subjects in my school day but that doesn't stop me from being busy. The thing is that I may have things to do but my school work is so easy nowadays that I don't have to work any more then about to 10:00 then maybe watch a movie in the afternoon. Of course the movies that I will be watching will have to do with my actual school work for example Les Miserable, Atlas Shrugged, or Slum Dog Millionaire are all good examples.
Today I am getting ready for my bootcamp by doing things like getting outside and exercising, drinking tons of water and getting a very hard amount of sleep. All of these are nessacary for a 5 hour heavy workout that will starts at 10:00 and opens with a 5 kilometer run. I honestly could have done much better in the ways of preparation and I didn't but that is not going to stop me from going and at least trying to get through this insanely difficult workout.
My last day of school is on next Thursday and honestly I am just amazed. I would never have thought to see it all come to an end so fast. I'm going to save the reminiscing for the last day of school but still just the very thought of it already being over is just dumbfounding to me because I didn't struggle as hard as usual to get here. I did work hard to get to the end of the year and screwed up along the way but to think that it is already over is dawning on me and I really didn't expect to see it so soon.
Today I am getting ready for my bootcamp by doing things like getting outside and exercising, drinking tons of water and getting a very hard amount of sleep. All of these are nessacary for a 5 hour heavy workout that will starts at 10:00 and opens with a 5 kilometer run. I honestly could have done much better in the ways of preparation and I didn't but that is not going to stop me from going and at least trying to get through this insanely difficult workout.
My last day of school is on next Thursday and honestly I am just amazed. I would never have thought to see it all come to an end so fast. I'm going to save the reminiscing for the last day of school but still just the very thought of it already being over is just dumbfounding to me because I didn't struggle as hard as usual to get here. I did work hard to get to the end of the year and screwed up along the way but to think that it is already over is dawning on me and I really didn't expect to see it so soon.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Busy day
Yet another busy day in the household but today busy is a good thing. While my dad had the day off today Kristi was out for Made to Serve while Nate was out doing his EOC tests in school. This isn't all though because there is still my best friend Alex's birthday today which I will be treating him when he gets home. Alex is an extremely good friend who has been with me through thick and thin and pretty much has been accepted as another part of the family around here considering how much everyone likes him and usually we would invite him to dinner and let him decide what we have as if he were one of the kids in the house hold. He is always really polite and always willing to try something new. For him I brought him home some sushi from Zara's because he loves sushi but doesn't ever get to go there.
I've been getting ready for my Tae Kwon Do boot camp that will be coming up this Saturday and honestly I am not prepared. I may not be prepared but that isn't going to stop me from trying the 5 hour long workout. This will increase my belt rank up by two making me a advanced camouflage belt. After that I will advance again soon after for my camp during the summer as well as testing. I have been advancing fast and this will place me about half way through the belt system to black. Of course I still have a long way to go after reaching my green belt during the summer but it is definitely not going to stop there.
Today I finished Les Miserable and it was a very good ending. I loved the book from the humble beginnings of Jean Valjean the thief all the way to his the death of Jean Valjean the saint. The book was a very hard start and it took a very long time for me to get into it but once it got me I was able to stick with it all the way to the end. Even though I have finished the book there is still probably a lot that I had missed and will need to go back to read because it is an extremely hard book to read and for me can't be understood with one read alone so I will be working on it eventually in the future but I don't know for sure when.
I've been getting ready for my Tae Kwon Do boot camp that will be coming up this Saturday and honestly I am not prepared. I may not be prepared but that isn't going to stop me from trying the 5 hour long workout. This will increase my belt rank up by two making me a advanced camouflage belt. After that I will advance again soon after for my camp during the summer as well as testing. I have been advancing fast and this will place me about half way through the belt system to black. Of course I still have a long way to go after reaching my green belt during the summer but it is definitely not going to stop there.
Today I finished Les Miserable and it was a very good ending. I loved the book from the humble beginnings of Jean Valjean the thief all the way to his the death of Jean Valjean the saint. The book was a very hard start and it took a very long time for me to get into it but once it got me I was able to stick with it all the way to the end. Even though I have finished the book there is still probably a lot that I had missed and will need to go back to read because it is an extremely hard book to read and for me can't be understood with one read alone so I will be working on it eventually in the future but I don't know for sure when.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
With the end of the school year coming up it is also noted that Summer is also pretty much here. While Summer isn't my least favorite season it is a close second. My least favorite is surprisingly Spring only because it lacks a few things here and there. The things I don't like about them are they are very bright and have much hotter weather. That is my main complaint but what I do like about them is that Spring provides rain which I honestly just love but summer opens up pools everywhere as well as encourage people to pull out there grills to start making delicious hamburgers to make up for the sweltering heat.
Griffon will be going home today and that is perfectly fine with me. He may be adorable and mellow but there are his habits which make school work kinda hard. For example today Kristi went off to the store to get some food for dinner. When she left Griffon walks up to the door and starts howling and it sounds as if were abusing him. What I do is walk up to Griffon and lead him back so that he wasn't alone. This didn't work either because as soon as I bring him back with me he wanders back towards the door and starts howling again. This happens about 6 times before I decide to ignore him and see if he tires himself out. It works so I could move on with my work for the day but that didn't stop him from continuing to howl after he was done resting.
Honestly Things have been nice and peaceful today and it feels fantastic. Considering that for the last 4 days something seems to always be happening this is a nice change of pace. My work is coming down very slowly considering the fact that I am almost done with Les Miserable and all of my other work is work that needs to be accomplished over a period of time because I am only allowed to do one of each a day. To wrap it all up is that all of it is just going to get easier by the end of the year until it all comes to a stand still. That is other then the blog.
Griffon will be going home today and that is perfectly fine with me. He may be adorable and mellow but there are his habits which make school work kinda hard. For example today Kristi went off to the store to get some food for dinner. When she left Griffon walks up to the door and starts howling and it sounds as if were abusing him. What I do is walk up to Griffon and lead him back so that he wasn't alone. This didn't work either because as soon as I bring him back with me he wanders back towards the door and starts howling again. This happens about 6 times before I decide to ignore him and see if he tires himself out. It works so I could move on with my work for the day but that didn't stop him from continuing to howl after he was done resting.
Honestly Things have been nice and peaceful today and it feels fantastic. Considering that for the last 4 days something seems to always be happening this is a nice change of pace. My work is coming down very slowly considering the fact that I am almost done with Les Miserable and all of my other work is work that needs to be accomplished over a period of time because I am only allowed to do one of each a day. To wrap it all up is that all of it is just going to get easier by the end of the year until it all comes to a stand still. That is other then the blog.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Field Trip: NASA Lecture
Welcome back everyone to my blog and I'm glad your here. Today was my field trip to the Kauffman center for my lecture. This one was fairly interesting and that's saying something when comparing to the marine biologist and his pictures of the manatee which needed a hug. At the moment I have not had a lecture over there that I didn't enjoy and I don't think that will be happening any time soon because it seems that they only want people to give the lecture if they are really interested in their job. Like the marine biologist who's name escapes me. Kobie Boykins also falls under this category with his amazing lecture on the rovers that landed on mars and the difficulty that he went through along with the rest of the team to launch and successfully land them on Mars. He was the person that designed the solar panels for Spirit and Oppurtunity which that alone was one of the most important parts of the entire thing.
The end of the school year is coming up fast for everybody with my brothers graduation on next Monday and supposedly my sisters graduation coming up maybe a week after. With this Kristi has set me up with a few things to accomplish before the year is out. Number one is to complete Dave Ramsy's videos. Number two is to finish my Pimsleur work which shouldn't be too hard considering that there is only three goals for the end of the year. Of course then there is number three which is to finish Les Miserable which also should be pretty easy considering that I am on page 790 out of 908 pages leaving me with only a little bit over 100 pages left of the book which shouldn't be too hard.
Other then all of this there was nothing else and I do believe that things are going to start winding down for a while and when I say going to wind down I do mean going to. The reason for this is because there is still plenty going on including Tae Kwon Do events, high school end of course exams, and more to come with the end of the year. This is to be expected and should make for an exciting week if your willing to stick around. Even if there is going to be some boring days in between.
The end of the school year is coming up fast for everybody with my brothers graduation on next Monday and supposedly my sisters graduation coming up maybe a week after. With this Kristi has set me up with a few things to accomplish before the year is out. Number one is to complete Dave Ramsy's videos. Number two is to finish my Pimsleur work which shouldn't be too hard considering that there is only three goals for the end of the year. Of course then there is number three which is to finish Les Miserable which also should be pretty easy considering that I am on page 790 out of 908 pages leaving me with only a little bit over 100 pages left of the book which shouldn't be too hard.
Other then all of this there was nothing else and I do believe that things are going to start winding down for a while and when I say going to wind down I do mean going to. The reason for this is because there is still plenty going on including Tae Kwon Do events, high school end of course exams, and more to come with the end of the year. This is to be expected and should make for an exciting week if your willing to stick around. Even if there is going to be some boring days in between.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Horrible weekend
I am honestly very glad to be alive today and that is because of what has been going on this entire weekend. To start everything off is that I had gotten into a car crash on last Friday. While this is already quite a bad way for the weekend to turn out there also other peoples problems. My friend Kale is in a cast because he broke a bone in his arm. Kristi ended up going to the hospital again and still feeling bad. My grandma Kathy is extremely shaken from the car crash and might have to purchase a new car but that isn't a guaranteed fact yet. My grandma Cindy needs to find a new car very soon because the time for her rental car is coming to an end which she has the rental car because someone broke into her car.Then there is my dad who is in the exact center of all of this and this in all is why my weekend was just completely horrible. The good news is that no one is extremely injured and that this week is going to be much better.
I'll open up the more cheerful part of this blog by saying we have reached the 3000 views mark. Thanks to everyone out there that is still reading this because I certainly would never have expected for my blog to end up like this is just fantastic for me because I honestly never saw it coming. The main reason is that because of the fact of how hard it is to come up with new things to type up on this blog. Even more on this thought is that how much I have to repeat something from an old blog entry or how depressing I can be at times. This is not only a thank you for reading this still but this is also a thank you of being with me through the hardest parts of the home school year because this blog has become a part of my life that I wouldn't give up for a long time.
next up for the opening of this week is that I have a field trip tomorrow to the Kauffman center but this time it will be for a national geographic lecture. This should lead to another good post for tomorrow considering how this is a NASA lecture which I will spend a good amount of time listening to even if I am wanting to be economist I will always have my ties to my love of space so I will probably enjoying this song quite a bit. I would go more into details but that should be saved for tomorrows entry.
I'll open up the more cheerful part of this blog by saying we have reached the 3000 views mark. Thanks to everyone out there that is still reading this because I certainly would never have expected for my blog to end up like this is just fantastic for me because I honestly never saw it coming. The main reason is that because of the fact of how hard it is to come up with new things to type up on this blog. Even more on this thought is that how much I have to repeat something from an old blog entry or how depressing I can be at times. This is not only a thank you for reading this still but this is also a thank you of being with me through the hardest parts of the home school year because this blog has become a part of my life that I wouldn't give up for a long time.
next up for the opening of this week is that I have a field trip tomorrow to the Kauffman center but this time it will be for a national geographic lecture. This should lead to another good post for tomorrow considering how this is a NASA lecture which I will spend a good amount of time listening to even if I am wanting to be economist I will always have my ties to my love of space so I will probably enjoying this song quite a bit. I would go more into details but that should be saved for tomorrows entry.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Back on Duty
Welcome back everyone to another blog entry. Sadly there isn't much going on of late that can be fleshed out as well as be talked about. For example I could go into a paragraph about not being able to find a cord to charge the nook and then finally went and asked Kristi to borrow the charger. I could write an entire paragraph about it and even make it look about as substantial as any other paragraph I type up but then again there is content over anything else in writing. I don't think it would be fun for anybody to listen to me looking for a simple cord throughout a house unless I started turning it into a fiction story where I go down into the sewers and wrestle alligators for the cord or something.
I started reading a book this week which I finished already and this one is called Asperger love and while it has 60 pages about 1/3 of the entire book is acknowledgements and stuff about the author. That doesn't mean that it isn't a good book to read as it certainly helped me understand people with Asperger syndrome a lot better but it was a very trivial read in comparison to stuff like Les miserable or Fountainhead and certainly very unexpected to me. Either way this opens up new things for me to read including the new book by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty.
That time is coming up very soon where the year ends and honestly I don't know whether I should be relieved or scared. Relieved because I will be getting one of the longest breaks of the year or scared because of multiple things. Some of the things that bother me is stuff along the lines of when I am on break I can forget important things like walking chewy for my pay check. Also I have been working on the idea of posting something once a week on my blog during the Summer so that people don't completely forget about blog so there are multiple things for me to do over the Summer that might make things harder for me.
I started reading a book this week which I finished already and this one is called Asperger love and while it has 60 pages about 1/3 of the entire book is acknowledgements and stuff about the author. That doesn't mean that it isn't a good book to read as it certainly helped me understand people with Asperger syndrome a lot better but it was a very trivial read in comparison to stuff like Les miserable or Fountainhead and certainly very unexpected to me. Either way this opens up new things for me to read including the new book by Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty.
That time is coming up very soon where the year ends and honestly I don't know whether I should be relieved or scared. Relieved because I will be getting one of the longest breaks of the year or scared because of multiple things. Some of the things that bother me is stuff along the lines of when I am on break I can forget important things like walking chewy for my pay check. Also I have been working on the idea of posting something once a week on my blog during the Summer so that people don't completely forget about blog so there are multiple things for me to do over the Summer that might make things harder for me.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Taking a break
Today I decided to use one of my free days. It seems pretty random considering nothing bad has happened recently. That is true but I have been extremely sore lately. Ever since last Thursdays Tae Kwon Do I have been sore. This Monday it got worse and now I am just relaxing today. For the most part I am blogging today out of requirement and not really much else. This has been apart of all free days before now. I will be continuing my work tomorrow and other then that there is very little to talk about.
There is one more thing I can think about mentioning at the moment. This is the fact that I will be heading out this weekend to work on my quilt at my grandma's house. The reason why I am mentioning this is because I will be doing some work to look forward to over the weekend and that I have a habit of not posting on the day my grandma comes to pick me up and then people wonder why there is nothing to read. Either way I will be doing something during the weekend so we'll see where that goes.
I still need to write one more paragraph purely out of the requirements I set for myself at the beginning of the year.The question is what to write about that you couldn't get unless you read this entry. This is the question that I ask myself daily nowadays. The reason is because I try very hard to bring something new to the table that doesn't sound exactly like some other entry by me or someone else. I also don't want to have to give you more information about me then some of the little things because it is alright to know who I am but considering that I don't know that many people that read my blog then it would be awkward for me for anyone to know stuff about me and then I know nothing about you.
There is one more thing I can think about mentioning at the moment. This is the fact that I will be heading out this weekend to work on my quilt at my grandma's house. The reason why I am mentioning this is because I will be doing some work to look forward to over the weekend and that I have a habit of not posting on the day my grandma comes to pick me up and then people wonder why there is nothing to read. Either way I will be doing something during the weekend so we'll see where that goes.
I still need to write one more paragraph purely out of the requirements I set for myself at the beginning of the year.The question is what to write about that you couldn't get unless you read this entry. This is the question that I ask myself daily nowadays. The reason is because I try very hard to bring something new to the table that doesn't sound exactly like some other entry by me or someone else. I also don't want to have to give you more information about me then some of the little things because it is alright to know who I am but considering that I don't know that many people that read my blog then it would be awkward for me for anyone to know stuff about me and then I know nothing about you.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Still standing
Another great day in my house with a simple enough day for everyone. Since only Zoe is going to Tae Kwon Do there won't be very many problems tonight to interrupt us. Sometimes it is fantastic to have a simple day. Today's school work was easy, I had a sandwich for lunch, and Kristi is working on dinner. Now that I think about it everyone else but me has a busy day. Kristi making dinner for tons of different people which is spaghetti with breadsticks, Zoe going to TKD, Nate's choir concert, and then there is dad with his day at work. Then again this is pretty much the average day for us nowadays.
My work has been set up for me to finish Les Miserable. Kristi has managed to modify my curriculum to allow me to finish before the end of the year which will have made it so that I have read almost 2000 pages in one quarter. I am quite proud of my ability to read and still be able to comprehend most of what I read because it left just a step above average and made an interesting story on why I wasn't always following along with the teacher in reading class.
No domestic science but do you want to know my favorite kind of food is. By far the best type of food to eat is a sandwich. The simplicity is what makes it so fantastic partially due to the fact that they are for the most part bread with anything in between. Technically a hamburger is a sandwich and so is a hot dog. I love sandwiches and today I had a Mr. Goodcents sub sandwich with provolone and ham with lettuce and banana peppers on top. There are multiple kinds of good food. One of those kinds of food are simple foods like a sandwich or soup. The other kind of good food is the intricate foods like a turducken or sushi. In all food is food and life is to short to eat food you don't like.
My work has been set up for me to finish Les Miserable. Kristi has managed to modify my curriculum to allow me to finish before the end of the year which will have made it so that I have read almost 2000 pages in one quarter. I am quite proud of my ability to read and still be able to comprehend most of what I read because it left just a step above average and made an interesting story on why I wasn't always following along with the teacher in reading class.
No domestic science but do you want to know my favorite kind of food is. By far the best type of food to eat is a sandwich. The simplicity is what makes it so fantastic partially due to the fact that they are for the most part bread with anything in between. Technically a hamburger is a sandwich and so is a hot dog. I love sandwiches and today I had a Mr. Goodcents sub sandwich with provolone and ham with lettuce and banana peppers on top. There are multiple kinds of good food. One of those kinds of food are simple foods like a sandwich or soup. The other kind of good food is the intricate foods like a turducken or sushi. In all food is food and life is to short to eat food you don't like.
Monday, May 6, 2013

I have been walking another dog lately and the poor dog is for the most part depressed as all get out. Sometimes he wanders off and then starts howling because no one else is in the room. His name is Griffon and I really do feel sorry for him. As you can see on the right he even looks depressed. He is usually quite spoiled at his house but then again he was acting very moody over there as well. That doesn't stop him from wanting attention because he is a dog but he misses his family really badly.
After the domestic science there isn't much else to talk about at the moment. What I mean is nothing extremely interesting. For example I am moving along in math but that didn't take to long today, French is still French, and my books are still being books. The books I am reading are Les Miserable and Asperger Love. The second book is purely to help me understand a little bit more of what the average Asperger patient goes through on a daily basis as well as help me understand my brother a little bit better. That doesn't mean it isn't any good but it is a pretty short book that I think that I finish before the end of the week.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Quick and easy
Today's work was fairly easy and I glad because it helped with what came before the work. Before I tell you what happened earlier today I am going to go through what I actually did today. First off was my reading which was simply Les miserable. After that was working out another code for codecademy Which I managed to figure out after I found out that I needed type something in after submitting my code. I went out to eat some lunch out at Zara Sushi which consisted of a garden salad with a shrimp tempura roll as well as a spicy crunchy crab roll. I then come home and do my French work which as usual only takes about 30 minutes to complete. After all that I sit down and start typing my blog for the day and then here we are. It was a fairly simple day but time to go into more detail about some other things.
I am really iffy on how things are turning out at the moment in my life. There are some chances of the friends that I have made in the neighborhood are going to be moving away and this is just devastating to me. For example I have known the first friend Kale for 2 years and he's going to move out for sure but I still have some time. On the other hand is my friend Alex who has been with me through thick and thin throughout this entire neighborhood. He went through all of the pain and drama that came with being in some of the situations that I landed myself in. They are one the reasons why I am home schooled. I wouldn't be able to stand being alone in the neighborhood at all and the fact that I might lose contact with him would be devastating for me as well as the family who have come to accept him as a sibling. I hope he doesn't move because it would be just devastating. The reason that this effects my current life more then ever is because I have been given the chance to attend the college classes and at this point I don't know how any of that will turn out and even if it is right for me.
I have been doing pretty good with my classes including Tae Kwon Do. Things over there have been getting really difficult for me with all of the extra emphasis on expectations to meet. Due to the fact that the school year is coming to an end here soon less people are coming in and harder curriculum is being used. It is certainly not easy for me with all of the harder work. An example is that just last night we were doing the splits in class or at least going as low as you can but when the teacher came around she started making me go lower until I was almost in tears from the pain. I can honestly say that I am more flexible then ever but It was almost unbearable going through all of that. What doesn't help is that I am higher rank now and because of that there is higher expectations.
I am really iffy on how things are turning out at the moment in my life. There are some chances of the friends that I have made in the neighborhood are going to be moving away and this is just devastating to me. For example I have known the first friend Kale for 2 years and he's going to move out for sure but I still have some time. On the other hand is my friend Alex who has been with me through thick and thin throughout this entire neighborhood. He went through all of the pain and drama that came with being in some of the situations that I landed myself in. They are one the reasons why I am home schooled. I wouldn't be able to stand being alone in the neighborhood at all and the fact that I might lose contact with him would be devastating for me as well as the family who have come to accept him as a sibling. I hope he doesn't move because it would be just devastating. The reason that this effects my current life more then ever is because I have been given the chance to attend the college classes and at this point I don't know how any of that will turn out and even if it is right for me.
I have been doing pretty good with my classes including Tae Kwon Do. Things over there have been getting really difficult for me with all of the extra emphasis on expectations to meet. Due to the fact that the school year is coming to an end here soon less people are coming in and harder curriculum is being used. It is certainly not easy for me with all of the harder work. An example is that just last night we were doing the splits in class or at least going as low as you can but when the teacher came around she started making me go lower until I was almost in tears from the pain. I can honestly say that I am more flexible then ever but It was almost unbearable going through all of that. What doesn't help is that I am higher rank now and because of that there is higher expectations.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Fire to Ice
I am currently loving the weather around my house! The reason for this is because just yesterday it was about 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit ( 21-26 degrees Celsius )and now it has dropped exponentially to the point of it sleeting outside. I have been waiting for this kind of weather due to the fact that I don't like the average sunny day and I would prefer 60 degrees Fahrenheit ( 10 degrees Celsius )with clouds and a slight breeze. I don't think that this is to strange and certainly not as harsh as winter or summer so it shouldn't be too much to ask for. Even better is that I just looked out side and it has started snowing. My point is that I love Missouri despite its randomness because there is a nice balance during this time of the year.
I was given this article to discuss on my blog and this is just disturbing to me. I honestly don't like the thought of being in grades higher then the average age. I also have to congratulate the kids due to their tenacity to keep going with their education with today's school system. part of the reason why I don't like the thought of being in a higher grade then the average kid is because of how akward it would be for anyone that is younger. For example a 12 year old kid hanging out with a 24 year old with no one else his age nearby would not only be strange for anyone seeing this but it would also be kind of strange for the kid because of the age difference and opinions that come along with this. Even so I feel glad to see kids who know there future and are willing to tackle it head on. Even better is that the parents are behind them 100% by the looks of the article so maybe there will be the 22 year old Navy doctor.
Down to the usual recap of the day. Today's work is once again long and terrifying for the most part but nothing to horrible that makes me want to cry through the entire day until someone decides to help me out. Thinking about all of this reminds me of the days near the beginning of school where I had about 10 written response questions a day. It wasn't that bad after I had gotten used to it but then everything starts from humble beginnings. I started off knowing nothing of what I had gotten myself into and then evolved to where I am today. I love where I have come so far and I am glad to see that everyone has followed me this far and I hope to see everyone for the remainder.
I was given this article to discuss on my blog and this is just disturbing to me. I honestly don't like the thought of being in grades higher then the average age. I also have to congratulate the kids due to their tenacity to keep going with their education with today's school system. part of the reason why I don't like the thought of being in a higher grade then the average kid is because of how akward it would be for anyone that is younger. For example a 12 year old kid hanging out with a 24 year old with no one else his age nearby would not only be strange for anyone seeing this but it would also be kind of strange for the kid because of the age difference and opinions that come along with this. Even so I feel glad to see kids who know there future and are willing to tackle it head on. Even better is that the parents are behind them 100% by the looks of the article so maybe there will be the 22 year old Navy doctor.
Down to the usual recap of the day. Today's work is once again long and terrifying for the most part but nothing to horrible that makes me want to cry through the entire day until someone decides to help me out. Thinking about all of this reminds me of the days near the beginning of school where I had about 10 written response questions a day. It wasn't that bad after I had gotten used to it but then everything starts from humble beginnings. I started off knowing nothing of what I had gotten myself into and then evolved to where I am today. I love where I have come so far and I am glad to see that everyone has followed me this far and I hope to see everyone for the remainder.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Family night
Hello everyone welcome back and for the beginning I will be talking about the new part of the for the family which is family night. Our family is for the most part pretty tight knit. We keep everything organized including events and most of the family time occurs during dinner where everyone sits down and eats together. I feel quite happy to say that I still can sit down and eat dinner with my family because I do know that there are families that don't even think about it. Due to the fact that everyone is going to be home for the Wednesdays for a while we are going to start having a family night where we all sit down and eat dinner over a movie. This may not be very different then eating dinner as a family but after most dinners all of us retreat down to our usual spots which mine just happens to be my computer. Tonight and hopefully other Wednesdays to follow we will spending time together during and after dinner which may not sound very exciting to most people but it sounds fantastic to me.
Today's work was for the most part pretty simple and may not be done yet but it won't take very much time after this. I will just be going over the work that I have worked on. This includes my dreaded math work. I am still doing pretty good without having to stop and go through the lessons but there will be a time when I have to slow down. To give you an example I am still on lesson 10 and the hardest part about my work at the moment is still doing long division because it takes a lot of space on one page. For the most part math is easy but it takes a while to actually complete.
Today I didn't officially have any domestic science work but in my opinion it was a darn good day of domestic science. Today I had tasted my first empanada and despite how basic it was, it was certainly tasty.
The dough was pie crust and the filling was ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning and some shredded cheese. All of it was deep fried till brown and crispy. Despite the simplicity it was quite tasty and here is good view.
I certainly enjoyed them and I believe the Kristi certainly did as well. The most I had a problem with is the fact that they were greasy from the deep frying and they needed some sauce to sweeten them so other then that these were pretty tasty.
Today's work was for the most part pretty simple and may not be done yet but it won't take very much time after this. I will just be going over the work that I have worked on. This includes my dreaded math work. I am still doing pretty good without having to stop and go through the lessons but there will be a time when I have to slow down. To give you an example I am still on lesson 10 and the hardest part about my work at the moment is still doing long division because it takes a lot of space on one page. For the most part math is easy but it takes a while to actually complete.
Today I didn't officially have any domestic science work but in my opinion it was a darn good day of domestic science. Today I had tasted my first empanada and despite how basic it was, it was certainly tasty.
The dough was pie crust and the filling was ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning and some shredded cheese. All of it was deep fried till brown and crispy. Despite the simplicity it was quite tasty and here is good view.
I certainly enjoyed them and I believe the Kristi certainly did as well. The most I had a problem with is the fact that they were greasy from the deep frying and they needed some sauce to sweeten them so other then that these were pretty tasty.
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