Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Hobby Hunting

Lately I have gotten back into my hunting for a new hobby. This has happened plenty of times which  can get annoying but I have to start using some of my new found discipline in order to accomplish my goals. Over time I have learned to act in ways against my current wishes at the time and it has taken a couple of years in order to finally get this down to a reasonable level. In other words I've been working on being disciplined by... being disciplined. That makes sense when you put it like that. When you think about it though you don't get better at anything without practicing that skill. Your talents are honed by using your talents after all. For example I wouldn't be this good at typing if I didn't type this much. I have about a 40 Words Per Minute typing speed that allows me to type out all 3 paragraphs in about 30 minutes if I know what I'm going to be talking about.

Talking about my blog what does everyone think about changing the focus of my blog. I know that this is a little bit sudden but I'm no longer home schooled which is important to remember. I can always reminisce but Day in Adventure just won't cut it anymore for me. I hope to dedicate a little bit more time to my blog and improve some of that quality with some of my new freedoms and time from Summer but who knows. I might set up a Twitter and possibly Instagram account in order to spread the word and let people follow me if they wish. Include some more media and maybe get a proper picture of me so that people can see who the heck I really am. I might even try to work on one blog entry over the course of a week in order to get more into a blog so there is more substance in the reading material. This could make the blog a little bit more disjointed but I will be able to start spanning myself over more paragraphs.

Did you know that I absolutely hate Selfies? Seems random, I know, but, This is the main reason why no one has ever really seen my face on the blog. Strange to see that one small choice as to not post a picture of myself can leave me wondering if anyone is even interested in me but more in the substance of my life.  Then again, That's what my blog is about. I don't primarily write to let people get to know me but so that I can review my life and day to day rituals. This blog is an exercise of sorts. It allows me to learn more about the way I speak and act in reaction to people and peoples reaction to me. Feedback is what I always want but I don't get that much surprisingly. I wish I could see more posts as over the last few months only one person has posted a comment and that was my Grandpa. I have heard that there may be a problem with the comment section on my blog but I have no clue and I may need to double check this personally to see if there is something wrong.

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