Monday, December 30, 2013

Vacation check up

Alright everyone as I said I'm not going to stop posting and I guess this means that it is about time for a check up on the holidays. The major holiday has passed and that is Christmas but that doesn't leave me in the clear. Up next is the new years and plans have already been made for family to get together and celebrate the new year. This means that New Years eve will be prep work to get ready for New Years. I don't know how much work will be required but like I expected I'll be happy to have it. I've come up with the theory that is along the lines of you give someone complete freedom and they will usually want some restriction. In this case it's one of the biggest breaks of the year and if I didn't have some kind of responsibility every once in a while I would be left bored with having so much freedom. Of course its having complete freedom that is hard. For example living out in the desert with food water and entertainment for the rest of your life would get boring eventually. With nothing outside of the usual entertainment provided you will start to slowly stop enjoying it. I don't know if this little problem is just for me or if there are a lot more people that go through the same thing but I know I am lucky when I start getting something to do over the weekend other then reading or being on my computer.

I deliberately did not jump right into info on Christmas because it seems almost like bragging. Even if you get something like socks and underwear for Christmas to jump right in immediately is like bragging to the world. I did not get socks and underwear but I did get a bunch rather spiffy clothing like khakis and other nice looking long sleeve items. Along with this I got a sled, new blanket, and other miscellaneous  stocking stuffer. The big gifts this year were a new mattress and my very first phone.
I know it sounds like all I have been listing is my gifts I got and I could continue towards the gifts that I gave as well. The thing is though that Christmas nowadays doesn't mean very much outside of this anymore. Family is already well connected for us so were not that distant and getting together for the holiday makes sense but it doesn't feel that much more special than usual unless there is the presents and the tree and the decorations. I'm trying to start saving money to get presents for everyone in the family which isn't going to be easy but the idea is that it shouldn't be that hard to get done. Money isn't everything but I feel cheap otherwise. This is how Christmas has progressed. Its a year to receive while trying to give to others and feel that you got something to everyone else that doesn't disappoint. When you don't have to worry about the presents as a kid other then receiving things are easier. Now I'm making sure that everyone is happy during this time of year.

The holiday's will never be the same for me but friends will always be there when you want them too. I have few friends at the moment that I can honestly call friends and not just acquaintances.  These are to the people that have been there with me through thick and thin even if they don't realize it. I hope they realize how much help they have been and how good of friends they have been but if they don't I have to remind them. My best friend Alex has been through the rougher times of life with me and still feels like he owes me and despite telling him he owes nothing he always feels indebted to me making him one of the most loyal friends I have ever seen in my entire life. Then there is Kale who is very close second with Alex and will drop by occastionally just to hang out. The most interesting part is that these two were friends before I was ever around and they get along perfectely despite them being so distant half the time. Alex is very quiet and ends up being secluded most of the time unless I go over and visit him and Kale is almost boisterous and likes being loud and funny. They are different types of people but both are the kind of friends that can last for ages through thick and thin. If I can help it even if I were to move I will work hard not to lose these friends like so many before.

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