Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Moving Fast

Welcome back everyone to yet another entry on my blog. I know that not that many people are reading this as much as usual which is quite sad to me but still there are things to write about still. First off I was reading through my last blog entry and realized that it was 4 days after 4th of July and didn't give anything about a single minute of what I did. Of course there was something else going on that seemed more important at the time which was the Mission trip. Heres the main reason why 4th of July was one of my last priorities last time. It's because my family is notorious for not wanting to spend any money on fireworks so the most we usually do on the 4th of July is sit around the house on the computers and listening to everyone else launch their fireworks. This year we got back into some of the usual festive spirit of the national holiday by getting some of our own fireworks and launching them off at our grandparents house as well as grilling with the whole family. 4th of July is all about spending time with family more then the launching of fireworks and we have accomplished this for this years 4th of July so now we have to keep ourselves from falling back into old habits.

I felt like that first paragraph was extremely nessacary but felt a bit like filler so lets move on to the real stuff that's going on recently. My brother is going to be moving out of the house here soon which is a huge event for all of us. I have talked about Nate before on my blog but not very much and especially anything about my relationship with him which is just a little bit shaky at times. I know i've mentioned this before but I can't find the exact date so my brother has Aspergers which is a milder version of Autism. Because of this his mind set is a little underdeveloped but that doesn't mean he isn't smart and that we don't get along with each other every once in a while but there are some very definite problems that we have each other. For example my brother thinks I'm a know it all and I think he needs to grow up at times but this is all opinion and we have been through thick and thin together. He has been with me since the day I was born and when he leaves I really don't know how well things will work for me. I do spend the night at other peoples houses and go away for weeks at a time but there is still something nagging at me about him leaving the house after so long. It is a mix of pride and sorrow. I spent most of my life trying to help him no matter what happened so it feels like I'm letting parts of my life walk out the door. Also I feel like the effort has been worth every minute and that it is his time to go out and prove it.

Recently I have been working hard on my Tae Kwon Do and have even started getting into going to more tournaments after my first success. I got an invitation for a tournament and was told that if I wanted to go that I would have to RSVP myself this time. I tried sending an email to the dojo saying that I wanted to go ahead with the tournament but they never gave me any information for it so today is practice and I don't know if I am even allowed to go.This just in I have just gotten back from the dojo and I have been informed that the practice is at the dojo. Also that both me and Zoe can go as well and I will be giving update next blog entry cause I'm getting spinny and can't write anything else without making it all messed up and all over the place.

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