We will start with my weekend. My weekend mainly consisted of camping,eating,working, and playing. The camping part was not exactly fun. This included most of the working aspect of the trip including holding an umbrella over our gas stove to keep the wind and the rain away from our food and fire. This then continued into going to fetch water. Now this wasn't just fetching water from a lake no but a spiggot near some old stables. Now I bet your wondering what the heck I was doing near some old stables if I'm camping right? Well this is what is called SCA camping. So have any one of you reading this been to the Renaissance fair? Well SCA camping is like the Renaissance fair only with camping and one more thing, Boffers! These are weapons for kids made with PVC pipe, foam tube of some sort, and DUCT TAPE. I also have some pictures I will be posting with this as well some cool and some funny. And yes the guy in the uniform is carrying a spoon.

And so I come to my tragic tale of what truly happened in the hospital while I was there yesterday.
Well what happened was that my teacher Kristi went over things I could improve on and all of the work. So I really didnt want to go over this subject but as this is a open post blog I had to put this in as this is important to the rest of whats happened. Including if I was actually ready for home school. Yes she was actually considering sending me back to public school if I wasn't ready for home school. That would have ended my blog pretty quickly don't you think. Well things didn't go as bad as I had thought they might end which I thought it would end with shame dissapointment and even worse a very grumpy parent. Not to mention the failure of saying I couldn't really keep in home school for more then two weeks.
Well I have learned quite a few things from all of my working on my subjects. One of my favorites is Freakonomics. It was mainly the first chapter that tweaked my interest. It was talking about cheating in very common areas. Some more common then others. The one that got me was Teachers cheating for benefits. I also had an essay question based off of this one so I only got it finished yesterday with in all of the make up work. It went a little something like this. In relevance to the first chapter of Freakonomics my perspecive has changed drastically. For example if teachers were cheating for incentive in Iowa what does that mean for my own public school district. Even if we can't get held back they still have something to gain. This includes promotion, pay raise, or even recognition among the teachers, staff, and even students. How much of this was truly affecting the way I learned? Could I hve made it into bridges if maybe teachers hadn't done some magic for their students. These are questions that make me struggle to understand my school district and the forces sourrounding the very people around us. Anyway the paper was long and I am actually pretty good at creative writing so this didnt take to long but even now it makes me wonder what could have been different if something like this had happened in my district.
You posted some great pictures - I love the one with the spoon best!!! I thought despite having some indepth and tough conversation that you are indeed up to the home-school challenge and it will take time for both of us to get a really awesome groove. It's important to me that no shaming happens even in the face of occasional disappointment - you work hard and have NOTHING to ever be ashamed of -it is simply a useless emotion to entertain - I am excited for the projects this week now that you finished the foundation work last week!