Thursday, October 30, 2014

Time Doesn't Fly!

One of the few words that I could ever consider to be my favorite would be the worde time. Time is something so mysterious yet it was a measurement created by man. All of the great truths in the world usually have some kind of flaw. The speed of light is not a constant, and if you cut the earth in half and make the two pieces drift apart the earth loses the gravity we have become so accostomed too. I can't lie that it's facts like this that drives me crazy sometime. Few constants exist that are reliable and the thought of them can chill one to the bone. Did you know that there is a virus that attaches to other illnesses to make them incurable? Dieing of the common cold would just be a sad way to go. Coincidences in of themselves leave you fearing for your life. Stories of people dropping dead in some strange way like a man hit by the same taxi that killed his brother and both dieing at the same age on the same moped. Something to chew on eh?

Happy early Halloween! Don't you love a good thought provoking story? I know I do and I find that facts among all other things are just the easiest way to bring that chill down your spine. Some people get it through bungee jumping or skydiving, but for the mostly sane we stick with our stories. I gave a nice misleading title to my story so that people would read the title and think it was another average post.  The second factor to making it work was the idea that surprise would help. Surprises are shocking and jarring. If you didn't know what you were walking into it would come as that much more terrifying. Honestly I hoped you all enjoyed the little distraction from the mediocre. After all surprises lye around every corner and it would be a shame to miss out on all of them.

Speaking of mediocre I think it's about time to get on track for the first time today. Lately I have been working hard on increasing my skill in French in order to have an easier time with getting my grades up and keeping them there. In order to do this I have taken up working on the side on a website known as Duolingo. I quickly saw improvements in my writing and speaking of French immediately. I don't like handing out praise to locations so quickly, but even my dad has been using it and it's helping him brush up in the hazy areas of the beautiful French language. If your ever looking into increasing your linguistic skills or to learn a new language I would recommend it personally.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

"Put it in The Stack Over There"

To be honest with everyone out there I am super busy lately. I'm working my hardest to do all of my work right and it's starting to get to me. As I've mentioned before this is the first year that I've really had to work hard to be able to keep my grades up. A little bit more bragging on my part but it's true and it's starting to get to me. I'm making mistakes here and there its starting to ware on me. I've missed a couple assignments and then I'm trying to keep things together at home and I just need to keep going, but more than anything at the moment I need a break from it all.

On a more lighthearted note I'm working on writing a story for my English class. The story needs to be horror which sadly isn't my strong suit,but more than anything that is because I feel that horror just isn't the same anymore. I mean a good jump scare still gets the same feeling of terror across but that chill down your spine just isn't the same. For crying out loud, list a single movie, game, or book made recently that gives you the same kind of thrill from horror that you might get from one of the older forms of media. That would be my own opinion of course but I would love to hear your guyses opinion on the subject.

I remember ages ago stating things like I intend to get my name out on the social networks at some point. The funny thing about that is that now I'm using things like google plus a lot more often and I personally enjoy just looking at some of the interesting things you might find. A good laugh every once in a while to lighten the mood. Because of me going around Google plus I seem to be getting a few more views every once in a while. I think my activity alone is just getting people interested in the other things that I might post or do which is interesting to think on. Still I do get the word out a little bit more about my blog and who knows, maybe my blog could pick up someday.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Falling into place

The weather, oh the wonderful weather. It's finally becoming Autumn again and it means for me that I'm getting closer to one of my favorite times of the year, winter. Autumn has it's perks though like the beautiful changing of the leaves and the true beginning of the school year. After all, school doesn't really begin until sometime after the first quarter of the year is up. That is when the teachers come at you full tilt because by this point in the year they know for a fact how to approach the class.

Speaking of class, I have a new class. I have taken a huge liking to debate starting primarily with the recent tournament that I have attended. I decided to go into Lincoln Douglas debate and did an awesome job and came back with 3 victories and only one loss. After my previous records I was absolutely astounded to see a complete turnaround. Originally I was pretty terrible with my cases but now they have turned out awesome. I was so close to getting to the outrounds but I was off by one win to even be recognized on stage for an award, but you know, I don't think it could have gone much better.

Last thing on my list for the day is my complete lack of focus for the moment. The reason for this is just the long weekend. It has left me throughout the day, completely unfocused to the point where during math class I almost tuned out the teacher entirely and it took all of my willpower to stay on track. Even at the moment I struggle to complete my blog because of the urge to just fall into my gaming or read my book at the moment. In all, a lot of has happened over the last few days.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Second Language

I love the idea of being able to speak a second language that I can then use at a later point. This second language of choice for me is French as I have explained many times on my blog before. Only recently though have I truly been able to get the mechanics of the French sentences down. I'm only getting started but I finally have been able to learn some more of the basics. Stuff like Je parle Francais assez bien, is simple but so much fun to say. I've even got my dad going through French again and it has just been a learning experience between the two of us.

Speaking of French, my class is starting a fund raiser for the foreign language department in my school. This definitely won't be that hard. I have about 2 get all donations and then turn them into my teacher. We are selling cookies and magazines if that makes any sense. The first thought that came to mind though is of all things a bank. I don't know if banks would buy from a student looking to fundraise for their school but wouldn't that be the jackpot for this assignment? I mean just think about it real quick. You tell them that they can buy entire buckets of cookie dough fairly cheap and then you sell them a subscription to several newspaper for all of that waiting time that the bankee has. Just a thought.

I'm on a foreign language roll at the moment so lets not end it now. In order to keep my language skills up I do other things on the side that aren't too horrible. The music that I listen to at the moment usually consists of French lyrics. I also go and read some French articles every once in a while to help myself  get to a higher level of understanding of the French language. Simple stuff like this helps every little lesson that you do on a day to day basis sink in a little deeper. A little bit of immersion leads to a higher comprehension of everything you study of another language or culture.