I have a topic for today's blog and for that I am very thankful as most days I have to tell you about my work and then I give no examples. Well today there was so many good examples on what I have to do in school that I will be going over a couple of todays questions with you. The theme for all of these questions are all based on the book fountain head which I highly recommend reading. The first question that I will be going over is "Why does Gail Wynand take so much comfort in the knowledge that both he and Roark came from nothing? Well that one is one of the 6 questions but this one is actually quite simple. Like most people you gain comfort from knowing that other people have gone through any hard time that you have as they can understand you better. For Gail it made Gail feel closer to Roark as he knew exactly what he had to go through to achieve his status of power. The other question that I will be sharing and going over with everyone is "What similarities do Keating and Roark share? Why does Ayn Rand make them somewhat similar"? This one is a little bit more tricky as they seem to be enemys more then mutual friends but this one is still possible as while they may both have different outlooks one what their lives should look like they both do have things in common. For example They both were in a relationship with Dominique Francon who happened to be in all of the worst situations in the book without being the main character. Next up Roark and Keating both decided to work in the architectural business and try to create buildings but once again in different styles. The hardest part about this question is why does Rand make them similar. Well I believe that the reason is to show the different choices that can be made in life. For example Roark wouldn't let anyone mess with any design on his buildings and if anyone disagreed with him then they wouldn't be doing business with him. Keating on the other hand was manipulative and dedicated to getting large jobs that would spread his name through the community. For the most part they are the same people only they go through similar situations in different ways.
Since I have devoted so much of my blog today to the paragraph above I am just going to have this small closing paragraph. First off I would like to say that I hope that everyone has a good easter weekend as I know I will. Also I would like to say thank you for the 66 views yesterday and that I appreciate that people are willing to go out of the way to read my entrys no matter how casual they were for me. Time to wrap all of this up with a goodbye and I hope to see everyone on Monday.
These are my days in the home schooling world. It is bound to be a new and exciting experience that i hope all of you can enjoy
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Challenge accepted
I have accepted my teachers bet to see who can get through Atlas Shrugged first but there are a few things against me. For example Kristi already has plenty of time to read in the day so that alone could be my downfall. The upside to this bet no matter what happens I get to eat at the Rusty Horse except that the outcome could result in either of us paying for the meal and this is no cheap place to eat.
Today's work was hard but extremely satisfying. The main reason for this is because today I had essay questions and I did pretty darn good on them. This reminds me of the beginning of home school where I cried when I was assigned any essay questions. Instead of calling Kristi and discussing with her on why I shouldn't do essay questions I trucked through all of them before the end of the day and left satisfied. The problem is that to this day there will be a special spot in my heart full of fear at the very thought of essay questions.
Speaking of still being able to do something I was able to pull 3 more paragraphs out for my paper in one day and that in itself is satisfying. I know it may not sound like much when you think about what you do in the public school system but considering how long it has been since I have worked on that paper I was quite proud of myself for being able to write more paragraphs on a paper I had didn't even remember existing a week ago.
Today's work was hard but extremely satisfying. The main reason for this is because today I had essay questions and I did pretty darn good on them. This reminds me of the beginning of home school where I cried when I was assigned any essay questions. Instead of calling Kristi and discussing with her on why I shouldn't do essay questions I trucked through all of them before the end of the day and left satisfied. The problem is that to this day there will be a special spot in my heart full of fear at the very thought of essay questions.
Speaking of still being able to do something I was able to pull 3 more paragraphs out for my paper in one day and that in itself is satisfying. I know it may not sound like much when you think about what you do in the public school system but considering how long it has been since I have worked on that paper I was quite proud of myself for being able to write more paragraphs on a paper I had didn't even remember existing a week ago.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Closing Time
The time has come to say that I have finally finished Fountain head and now I am sad. The reason why is because the book was amazing and I really didn't want it to end. This then makes me think of the author which as most know is Ayn Rand who has not made a book I haven't liked so far. For the most part she is at the moment my favorite writer. I don't know what book I will be reading next but I believe that it will be Atlas Shrugged which I bought at the same time as Fountain head. I can't wait to continue reading Rand's books as they are much better in comparison to today's trash.
Nothing really happened today other then The end of Fountain head but even then that was plenty for one day. Today's work was fairly simple as most of it usually just reading including Les Miserable and Science. Science is still going over Evolution and other things along that line. Codecademy is doing good. At the moment I am going over true or false variables within the code again so one challenge was it would say "This statement is True" and then I would have to enter a line of code that was true.
The Global Warming paper is coming along nicely and the editing hasen't been to hard at all. In fact todays editing went really well as I was able to point out most of my own mistakes today. The even cooler part about the editing process is that I still have my Troyka book that can help me out even if the adults are unavailable. The way that they put it is that The Troyka book is the best English book that they could find for me.
Nothing really happened today other then The end of Fountain head but even then that was plenty for one day. Today's work was fairly simple as most of it usually just reading including Les Miserable and Science. Science is still going over Evolution and other things along that line. Codecademy is doing good. At the moment I am going over true or false variables within the code again so one challenge was it would say "This statement is True" and then I would have to enter a line of code that was true.
The Global Warming paper is coming along nicely and the editing hasen't been to hard at all. In fact todays editing went really well as I was able to point out most of my own mistakes today. The even cooler part about the editing process is that I still have my Troyka book that can help me out even if the adults are unavailable. The way that they put it is that The Troyka book is the best English book that they could find for me.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Pressing Forward
Today's work took me a little bit and for the most part I am still not done. The good news is the thing that I was working on was my Global Warming paper and it is coming along quite nicely as today I edited all of the second page and now I am working on making the changes on the digital copy. This is not exactly the easiest task after not working on a paper for so long but it is not impossible either. The work in itself is much easier then what I had to deal with in public school where for two weeks I sat at my desk trying to figure out what my topic would be for my paper. As one could imagine the teacher English teacher was not happy.
The work that I have been doing is so satisfying and even cooler is going over data about what I have done throughout the entire year. A really cool fact is that after finishing Fountainhead I will have read a total of 2500 pages in this one school year. Even cooler thought is that I have not gotten to the end of the year yet so I am thinking that by the end of the year I will have around 3000 pages read. This is quite outrageous as in public school I barely read 1000 pages of actual curriculum. the scarier part is that the total pages read this year is excluding any textbook.
The thought occurs to me that I have the chance that at the beginning of the next school year I will have the chance to go to high school. This has been messing with me as last time I was in the system I almost snapped from the stress. Home school is one of the best parts of my life yet and now I have the chance to decide against it again and I don't know what to do. I have all of the math curriculum that I would have missed out on and I would work on it through summer but other then that I have math curriculum coming for the rest of the year and maybe into next school year. I honestly feel like I can't leave home school now that things are starting to look better and with all of the things planned for next year. At the moment my answer is no for both me and for everyone who is reading this right now.
The work that I have been doing is so satisfying and even cooler is going over data about what I have done throughout the entire year. A really cool fact is that after finishing Fountainhead I will have read a total of 2500 pages in this one school year. Even cooler thought is that I have not gotten to the end of the year yet so I am thinking that by the end of the year I will have around 3000 pages read. This is quite outrageous as in public school I barely read 1000 pages of actual curriculum. the scarier part is that the total pages read this year is excluding any textbook.
The thought occurs to me that I have the chance that at the beginning of the next school year I will have the chance to go to high school. This has been messing with me as last time I was in the system I almost snapped from the stress. Home school is one of the best parts of my life yet and now I have the chance to decide against it again and I don't know what to do. I have all of the math curriculum that I would have missed out on and I would work on it through summer but other then that I have math curriculum coming for the rest of the year and maybe into next school year. I honestly feel like I can't leave home school now that things are starting to look better and with all of the things planned for next year. At the moment my answer is no for both me and for everyone who is reading this right now.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Disaster Avoided
Welcome back everyone and I am glad to say that I am in school today despite the snow. I know that there was a very slim chance of the snow cancelling school but since there was still a chance I was fairly scared. I couldn't stand to see the snow fall outside and start sticking to the ground. I saw myself lounging about in the house losing information that I had gained from last weeks work. This does not matter very much as the snow may still be on the ground but the problem has been averted.
Work is still doing good with the extra subjects which help me get more bang for my time. For example there is the social studies work that has become much more of a challenge for me because I now have to work out of my curriculum book again. The same thing goes for Science and that is just fun working on the origins of evolution and the facts that follow. In all things in school are getting and better for me and I am happy with it.
The best thing that happened to to me over the weekend is finally figuring out what I am going to be doing with the raspberry pi. The hardest part is that I have to work on this myself like a science fair project which is for the most part appropriate for the project. I think that it would be even more fun if I wait to tell anyone what I am going to be making until I start on the project. Also I would like to get some more information on what I am doing first so without further delay I say goodbye to everyone and have a good rest of the day.
Work is still doing good with the extra subjects which help me get more bang for my time. For example there is the social studies work that has become much more of a challenge for me because I now have to work out of my curriculum book again. The same thing goes for Science and that is just fun working on the origins of evolution and the facts that follow. In all things in school are getting and better for me and I am happy with it.
The best thing that happened to to me over the weekend is finally figuring out what I am going to be doing with the raspberry pi. The hardest part is that I have to work on this myself like a science fair project which is for the most part appropriate for the project. I think that it would be even more fun if I wait to tell anyone what I am going to be making until I start on the project. Also I would like to get some more information on what I am doing first so without further delay I say goodbye to everyone and have a good rest of the day.
Friday, March 22, 2013
History Lesson
Today I had to watch a movie that is known as Creation. The movie is about Charles Darwin and his work on the book that started the thoughts on evolution and that everything has evolved from the beginning to the point that we are at today. The movie follows Charles and his struggles that he went through while trying to write the book The Origin of Species. This was extremely difficult because while trying to write this book his daughter Anne died and his wife divorced him soon afterwards. After the long struggle with himself he finally finishes the book and manages to get it published which upon release the book is sold out on its first day.
Most of my day was for the most part normal. For example I had worked ahead on my reading so I was done with my reading earlier then usual. My science work was watching Creation so there wasn't much to do there other then sit back relax and try to pay attention to detail. Other then this the work was easy as the longest thing today was define some social study words. And that only took that long because there was quite a bit but other then that all of the definitions were in the book.
I will say that I am happy to have a normal week again. Think about it and you would realize that I haven't had a normal school week in a long while. That happens to be all the way back in February. I honestly think that my brother and sister are not that happy with going back to school but I am thankful for the routine again. Scary thing is that they are calling for more snow this weekend and I honestly thinking that there shouldn't be any snow. I don't know what I could do without some order left in the house and I hope to be able to say that next week we will have school.
Most of my day was for the most part normal. For example I had worked ahead on my reading so I was done with my reading earlier then usual. My science work was watching Creation so there wasn't much to do there other then sit back relax and try to pay attention to detail. Other then this the work was easy as the longest thing today was define some social study words. And that only took that long because there was quite a bit but other then that all of the definitions were in the book.
I will say that I am happy to have a normal week again. Think about it and you would realize that I haven't had a normal school week in a long while. That happens to be all the way back in February. I honestly think that my brother and sister are not that happy with going back to school but I am thankful for the routine again. Scary thing is that they are calling for more snow this weekend and I honestly thinking that there shouldn't be any snow. I don't know what I could do without some order left in the house and I hope to be able to say that next week we will have school.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Sweet, Delicious Pi
Sorry first off about the accidental post earlier but that was completely unintended. Secondly I have started today on the book known as Les Miserable. Most people here know about the French revolution but of course I am not very good at history outside of America so this was certainly an interesting book for me. The beginning of the book follows A bishop who seems to care more about those in poverty then his own title of power. That is of course just the beginining and not the only person in the French revolution. The reading for today was wrapped with a video from an old friend of mine. That happens to be Khan Academy who has helped me through many a hard problem.
Next up is the subject of the Raspberry pi and sadly I still have no exact idea of what to do with it. We already have a server in the house but the thing is that this small computer will be mine and just mine. In the long run I want this to be something I can cherish and use a long time from now as there is no better gift or trinket than one that you will continue to use. I have gone over some of the options for it but once again there are things that I can do like make an LED cube or make my own personal music server where someone could connect to it and then have access to whatever music is playing.
Things are doing great in home school but there is one itty bitty problem and that is the fact that it is currently snowing outside and sticking. I don't need this kind of weather at all as I just got back into the groove of school and the last thing that I need is more breaks. I have to do any make up snow day that anyone else has to do and that means at the moment I have about 3 extra weeks of school. I don't need to go back and do this that breaks into summer vacation which could be spent hanging out with my friends and going to the community pool. In other words I would love it if this snow just stopped and let us move on.
Next up is the subject of the Raspberry pi and sadly I still have no exact idea of what to do with it. We already have a server in the house but the thing is that this small computer will be mine and just mine. In the long run I want this to be something I can cherish and use a long time from now as there is no better gift or trinket than one that you will continue to use. I have gone over some of the options for it but once again there are things that I can do like make an LED cube or make my own personal music server where someone could connect to it and then have access to whatever music is playing.
Things are doing great in home school but there is one itty bitty problem and that is the fact that it is currently snowing outside and sticking. I don't need this kind of weather at all as I just got back into the groove of school and the last thing that I need is more breaks. I have to do any make up snow day that anyone else has to do and that means at the moment I have about 3 extra weeks of school. I don't need to go back and do this that breaks into summer vacation which could be spent hanging out with my friends and going to the community pool. In other words I would love it if this snow just stopped and let us move on.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Stepping up in school
The time has come to work on the work I have. Within these last few hectic quarters and situations school became a bit to easy for me so last post helped influence for some more work so I am now working out of my biology book and social studies book. Next up I'm going to be working on my raspberry pi which for anyone who forgot is my miniature computer that has several different uses. We also discussed getting back into free skool so everything is doing great and things are going to get back into a decent order.
As I mentioned I have some new curriculum and one of the more interesting ones is that social studies and the process it takes to pass a bill. The amount of places that a bill goes through is just pure insanity and the fact that 1 out of 10 bills get passed is also a scary thought. The precautions are a good but bad thing at the same time as some people may not approve of a public bill that might lower taxes or something like that and because of that they will do anything to shut it down in all of the places that they can. The hardest part is thinking about how many bills were shut down and if any of them could've improved anything about the modern time.
Today I finished the Anne Frank Diary and the ending was extremely sad. The last entry of the diary is filled with hope From Anne saying that she hoped that the war would end the year of 1944. Sadly you find that the entry is the final one and you learn that the only survivor of the secret annex or their home is the father of Anne. Apparently Anne and her sister Margot were killed while being prisoners of the Nazis. The whole ending is just sad to read as you follow the story of the family and all of the other people who lived there.
As I mentioned I have some new curriculum and one of the more interesting ones is that social studies and the process it takes to pass a bill. The amount of places that a bill goes through is just pure insanity and the fact that 1 out of 10 bills get passed is also a scary thought. The precautions are a good but bad thing at the same time as some people may not approve of a public bill that might lower taxes or something like that and because of that they will do anything to shut it down in all of the places that they can. The hardest part is thinking about how many bills were shut down and if any of them could've improved anything about the modern time.
Today I finished the Anne Frank Diary and the ending was extremely sad. The last entry of the diary is filled with hope From Anne saying that she hoped that the war would end the year of 1944. Sadly you find that the entry is the final one and you learn that the only survivor of the secret annex or their home is the father of Anne. Apparently Anne and her sister Margot were killed while being prisoners of the Nazis. The whole ending is just sad to read as you follow the story of the family and all of the other people who lived there.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Routine Chaos
Work today was the same as usual but I wonder when things are going to start picking back up again like at the begining of this year. We all remember the free school program and some of the other things along these lines. Question is what will I be doing next year and so on and so forth. I wonder have been wondering quite a bit lately what can be improved upon with my curriculum and the hardest part is speaking up. For example lets say I think that I think that I am not reading enough books. ( Which I am obviously reading plenty.) I haven't done much of this in a while since I had grown so used to staying in the background of things in the family it is still my nature to keep quiet about certain things.
I look back on my home school year in comparison to my years in public school and I think on how much has improved. For example things around home school to this day is a lot less stressful in comparison to public school and that I don't have to blow a fuse everyday to make it through the school day sane. I don't have to deal with reading class and reading about 2 books every school year and then doing language arts the other part. Ironically the school I went to had both classes and Reading seemed to me as the waste of time as it offered mostly things that we all already knew.
Now is time to wrap things up in the blog like usual while I think about random assortments of things like tomorrows blog entry or is there something interesting on my computer that I could look into. In the end the school day dissipates the way it should, with the rest of the day to look forward to with routine and calmness that can run through the house. The day is never one theme or scheme that you can look forward to but those are what make life interesting. The ups, the downs, the laughs, the cries, the mistakes you make, and even the mistakes that others make. We all look forward to something special in our life but there is no way of knowing what to expect so I look at life as an open book that we write with the fact that anything can happen at any second depending on what us authors write down on the blank pages.
I look back on my home school year in comparison to my years in public school and I think on how much has improved. For example things around home school to this day is a lot less stressful in comparison to public school and that I don't have to blow a fuse everyday to make it through the school day sane. I don't have to deal with reading class and reading about 2 books every school year and then doing language arts the other part. Ironically the school I went to had both classes and Reading seemed to me as the waste of time as it offered mostly things that we all already knew.
Now is time to wrap things up in the blog like usual while I think about random assortments of things like tomorrows blog entry or is there something interesting on my computer that I could look into. In the end the school day dissipates the way it should, with the rest of the day to look forward to with routine and calmness that can run through the house. The day is never one theme or scheme that you can look forward to but those are what make life interesting. The ups, the downs, the laughs, the cries, the mistakes you make, and even the mistakes that others make. We all look forward to something special in our life but there is no way of knowing what to expect so I look at life as an open book that we write with the fact that anything can happen at any second depending on what us authors write down on the blank pages.
Monday, March 18, 2013
returning to normal
Welcome back everyone to my blog and for anyone that decided to check up on things over spring break then I am sorry for not posting anything. Anyone that stills remember my small blog and is still willing to read then more power to you. I am so glad to be back and typing on my blog again for your enjoyment. I know I enjoy this and that I am glad to have everyone back to enjoy this entry with me.
Lets start out with the fact that this is going to be the first normal week in a long time. Seriously I have not had a normal week since half way through February. In reality most people would really enjoy that kind of break but I like a good routine and now it is utter relief for me as I don't have to worry about things screwing up anymore and I can peacefully do my work and hang out with my friends with out another break for the rest of the school year.
Most of you might know that the end of Spring break signifies the beginning of 4th quarter and that means that tests are all over the school. This also means that my time on the blog could be coming to an end for a while. I know that some people may look forward to my blog but I don't know how to keep people entertained over Summer while I have 3 months off. I could try but that depends on how summer goes. In fact maybe I could write a blog entry once a week so that people don't forget about me. I don't know but maybe I can find a way to make it work.
Lets start out with the fact that this is going to be the first normal week in a long time. Seriously I have not had a normal week since half way through February. In reality most people would really enjoy that kind of break but I like a good routine and now it is utter relief for me as I don't have to worry about things screwing up anymore and I can peacefully do my work and hang out with my friends with out another break for the rest of the school year.
Most of you might know that the end of Spring break signifies the beginning of 4th quarter and that means that tests are all over the school. This also means that my time on the blog could be coming to an end for a while. I know that some people may look forward to my blog but I don't know how to keep people entertained over Summer while I have 3 months off. I could try but that depends on how summer goes. In fact maybe I could write a blog entry once a week so that people don't forget about me. I don't know but maybe I can find a way to make it work.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
The Real Hero
Today I have been given a subject for todays blog entry and that
is todays pop culture, literature heroes to the more traditional
Heroes like Howard Roark from "Fountainhead" or Equality
from "Anthem". Lets start out with some of todays heros
like Katniss Everdeen From the "Hunger Games". Katniss was
a situational decisison maker who ended up causing as much trouble
for other people as she was releiving from herself. For example she
may have saved someone else from certain death but she then had
everyone else killed in the arena to save the two of them. While they
made her out to be a hero in the book and the books that followed she
ended up causing just as much pain and suffering from her decisions
then whatever else had been decided.
Now lets move on to some heroes like Howard Roark. Howard is determined under no circumstances to keep up his dream of being a very good architect and will let no one decide what he should make for the buildings. Unlike Katniss, Howard has much more integrity that is used in this book then all of the "Hunger Games" put together. No matter what the situation Howard will make the right decision to further his goals in life without letting someone else getting hurt in the process.
Time to wrap this all up with the question that most of you probably saw coming. Who is the better hero? Before I give you the answer lets sum up the paragraphs above real quick. Howard is a straight forward person who will make sure that he gets what he wants but doesn't have to hurt anyone to get his ideal world. Katniss is a situational thinker who will do what she deems right depending what is going on in the book at the time. In other words these two people are complete opposites of each other in most aspects. Well then I believe that the better hero is the traditional heros including Howard. You may wonder why I did only two people while comparing the two types of literature. The reason is beecause these two people represent there era of writing best in comparison to other people and this keeps things simple enough for most people to understand. This is going to be my last entry before Spring Break so I hope everyone has a good week break and that things don't screw up too badly for anyone out there
Now lets move on to some heroes like Howard Roark. Howard is determined under no circumstances to keep up his dream of being a very good architect and will let no one decide what he should make for the buildings. Unlike Katniss, Howard has much more integrity that is used in this book then all of the "Hunger Games" put together. No matter what the situation Howard will make the right decision to further his goals in life without letting someone else getting hurt in the process.
Time to wrap this all up with the question that most of you probably saw coming. Who is the better hero? Before I give you the answer lets sum up the paragraphs above real quick. Howard is a straight forward person who will make sure that he gets what he wants but doesn't have to hurt anyone to get his ideal world. Katniss is a situational thinker who will do what she deems right depending what is going on in the book at the time. In other words these two people are complete opposites of each other in most aspects. Well then I believe that the better hero is the traditional heros including Howard. You may wonder why I did only two people while comparing the two types of literature. The reason is beecause these two people represent there era of writing best in comparison to other people and this keeps things simple enough for most people to understand. This is going to be my last entry before Spring Break so I hope everyone has a good week break and that things don't screw up too badly for anyone out there
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Blowing Off Some Steam

I did manage to take a break from all of this but I was still much happier doing my work. For lunch The group went over to Minskys for some pizza and then returned for a little bit to do a little bit more work before leaving for home. I had a lot of work to do today including still walking the dog as a job and then still doing my chores and blog which neither of them I have finished. Either way the day has been hectic but fun in the long run
Funny story is that todayI managed to rip a hole through my work gloves and destroy Kristi's hammer before the day was through. In fact all of this was done due to how hard I was working today. I don't know how the hole appeared in my glove but at least they still helped. I think it was when I was tearing dry wall apart that ripped a hole in my glove. The hammer broke while I was pulling nails out of the wooden frames but that ended with one side snapping off. I don't know how bad of condition the hammer was in before I started but it ended up dead and in the trash by the end.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Late Post
From what I have heard from my friends apparently spring break is coming up for us and I am not happy. I just got back into the swing of things going on at the house and then I have to deal with another weeks worth of break. At the moment I am not to sure if it is next week but even then I am quite mad due to all of these breaks. If it keeps up at this rate there won't be summer vacation.
Work around the house is getting done well enough as our storage computer is up and running and work is back into my average day. I know I sound very strange as most people look forward to days off but I've been sitting here griping about all of the days off. Well to set this straight I do look forward to vacations and days off but when it isn't a scheduled vacations or the vacations lasts too long then I start having a problem.
Over the weekend I set up my brand new desk and it is a relief above all else. Now I can do work on my computer desk and I don't have to try and balance everything on a card table in order to use my computer. The desk caused us to move stuff around downstairs along with the new found space downstairs. In all the week so far has been just fantastic while everything gets back into a decent order.
Work around the house is getting done well enough as our storage computer is up and running and work is back into my average day. I know I sound very strange as most people look forward to days off but I've been sitting here griping about all of the days off. Well to set this straight I do look forward to vacations and days off but when it isn't a scheduled vacations or the vacations lasts too long then I start having a problem.
Over the weekend I set up my brand new desk and it is a relief above all else. Now I can do work on my computer desk and I don't have to try and balance everything on a card table in order to use my computer. The desk caused us to move stuff around downstairs along with the new found space downstairs. In all the week so far has been just fantastic while everything gets back into a decent order.
Monday, March 4, 2013
If you couldn't get the hint from the title of this blog then we have officially gotten more then 2000 views. This paragraph is a thank you to all who have contributed to the views and that its not going to end here. of course I couldn't end now even if I wanted to. The only way that I could possibly stop is to join public school and watch my viewers diminish. Even then it would take a while to kill this blog.
Work today was simple as I finished one book for Fridays work and then today I just finished up another one so I'm doing good so far. Things are starting to calm down after all of the snow which has been melting quickly lately. In all things are turning out great as I am ready to get back to work and the other 2 are not around anymore the entire day. Now that things are becoming more laid back again I have returned back to some hobbies like modding minecraft and hanging out with my friends since I don't have to worry as much about Zoe.
Tae Kwon Do has become quite hectic for me at the moment as I have been going every other day recently. What has been happening is that I went last Thursday and since I missed Monday then I went on the make up day on Saturday. Next up I have to go again today to get myself back into a cycle and it is not going to be easy. I am still in pain from Saturday's workout and now I am going to be signing up for a tournament so things for me are only going to get worse. The good part is that the tournament is going to be a great blog entry.
Work today was simple as I finished one book for Fridays work and then today I just finished up another one so I'm doing good so far. Things are starting to calm down after all of the snow which has been melting quickly lately. In all things are turning out great as I am ready to get back to work and the other 2 are not around anymore the entire day. Now that things are becoming more laid back again I have returned back to some hobbies like modding minecraft and hanging out with my friends since I don't have to worry as much about Zoe.
Tae Kwon Do has become quite hectic for me at the moment as I have been going every other day recently. What has been happening is that I went last Thursday and since I missed Monday then I went on the make up day on Saturday. Next up I have to go again today to get myself back into a cycle and it is not going to be easy. I am still in pain from Saturday's workout and now I am going to be signing up for a tournament so things for me are only going to get worse. The good part is that the tournament is going to be a great blog entry.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Wrap up The week.
Today for my work I was told to write a summary of one of my books after finishing it. The book that I decided to finish today was called the Power of Half and I have already gone over this with you but I also got a recommendation for today's entry. What I will be doing is that I will be posting my summary that I have given of the book then I will go over what it would be like if my family decided to do something like this. I agree with this so after some slight modifications to my summary here you go.
The Power Of Half
The family consists of 4
people and those four people are the dad whose name is rarely
mentioned in the book. The mom whose name is Joan and the second
biggest supporter in the family for the charity work. Next up is
Joseph who was less then eager to give up his stuff to help out
strangers that he didn't really know much about at all. Finally there
is Hannah who was the person who came up with the idea to help out
the homeless. The book is told from the perspective of the dad and as
he watches his family come back together.
The family has dedicated
their life to help other people less fortunate then themselves. They
started out helping out in small ways as for example their daughter
worked at a soup kitchen to help the homeless and when the family
spotted someone on the street they might give him a gift card to
Mcdonalds. They lived in a large house that the family had worked
hard to provide the money to keep as well as their other luxuries
including their car and their many hobbies. The daughter of the
family or Hannah who worked at the soup kitchen decided that they
weren't doing enough to help the less fortunate at the time and
managed to convince the family that they could give up half of the
many things that they had to help. This one small act started the
chain reaction to the future.
The family did some research
and decided to work with an organization called the Hunger Project.
In order to help out the people they got a house that was half the
size of their current house and then decided to sell the large one
for funds for the family project. Sadly since they bought the new
house before they sold the original they ended up in some troubles
while trying to help their charity of choice as they then had to pay
for both the houses at the same time. By the end of the book you
still don't know if they sold the house.
The family despite the
troubles with the house they ended up going over to Africa to help
out the many residents of the villages scattered around Africa.. With
the organization they all ended up going to the different villages to
see which one could be helped the most. They did not find any one
specific village to help in general but they did end up helping a
village who working on setting up a 6 room school in a small village
that was far away from any main city. This may not sound like much
but when compared to the other places around this village you would
realize that no other village with similar circumstances could boast
such a large school for their children.
The book ends with them
making plans for the future and what their next plans would be to
help people. The family ends up using their savings to pay for the
donations that they would need to put into the Hunger Project. The
savings includes retirement funds and college funds. This was decided
after a meeting with the family of what they were going to do to help
donate to the Hunger Project. The parents did not exclude the kids
from the meeting as they were just as much of a cause for the
family's situation as the parents decided to support them. This shows
their devotion the path that they set themselves on and that they
approve of what they are doing no matter what other people think.
Now that you know what the book was like now it is a great time to talk about how I would feel if my family pulled a stunt like this. First off is who would propose this in the first place as I can see Kristi or dad saying something like this but for dad I would have to check if he were joking. The reason for this is because dad has a habit of being able to tell a joke so seriously that you don't even know if it was a joke or if it was what was going on the world as you speak. If we did decide to give up half of what we could spare then I am guessing that most of our time would not be spent in places in the USA only because the United States is already pretty well off in comparison to the other places in the world. Being honest I don't know exactly where we would end up working at for the longest time as I do expect us to work all over the world if we were to do anything along these lines. In fact it would be my first time leaving North America in general and that would be somewhat fun to me except that maybe I would need to trade in my desktop for a laptop.
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